Me:*snort* How very chivalrous!

Roman:It seemed apt.

Me:One day, you’re going to use that and get it wrong, and I will laugh SO hard!

Roman:Not possible. I totes know what it means.

I sent him the GIF fromThe Princess Bridefor good measure and shoved my phone back in my pocket. I ignored the incessant buzzing the whole way through class – a double, yay! – and pulled it out again as I followed Hadley to her car. I opened my message centre to find a bunch of random GIFs. There were some John Cusack ones, one with a dancing poop emoji, a couple ofMean Girlsones, and one with a pineapple. There was also a video of him stacking it on his skateboard captioned ‘total accident’ with a winking face.

Me:You’re a total weirdo.

Roman:Takes one to know one.

“You quite right there?” Hadley asked with a smile as we pulled out of the car park.

“Fine, why?”

“You’re very into your phone at the moment. I thought Mason was driving?”

“Oh. Yeah, I don’t know–”

“I know he hasn’t said anything yet, babes. But, give him some time. He’s just being a gentleman.”

There was that word again; gentleman. Honestly, I was starting to think the whole concept was overrated. How the hell had the world functioned when gentlemen were in charge?

“Hads, at this rate, I’m going to lose interest or entirely lack the ability to believe he’s interested. We had the turtle talk like…five weeks ago! And, still nothing.”

“Not nothing! He asked you toLacey’slast weekend.”

“He suggested I tag along on the group outing. That’s not exactly trying to shower me in love and affection.”

Hadley sighed. “Okay. Well, maybe you need to be more encouraging?”

“Like what?” I asked. “We hug. I even started kissing his cheek! I blush like a pro every time he smiles at me and I laugh at all his jokes. What else can I do?”

I felt my cheeks heat and I hoped they hadn’t gone pink as I remembered that I’d known exactly what to do with Roman. So, why didn’t I know what to do with Mason?

“I dunno, babes,” she said, pulling into a carpark between the park and the chip shop. “Let me think on it.”

“Or, maybe he doesn’t actually like me?”

“I feel like this is the preference for you?” Why did that seem to annoyher?

I shrugged. “Am I supposed to wait forever?”

“What other options do you have at the moment? I don’t see anyone else lining up for your hand.”

I looked down at my phone. “Yeah, I suppose,” I lied.

Although, was it really a lie?

We got out of the car and traipsed into the chip shop to wait for the others. When we had our packages safely secured, we hurried back over to the park and sat around, eating and chatting.

Mason and the boys had invited a few other friends and they were kicking a football around. As usual, Mason grinned at me, but I found myself comparing him to Roman. Not in like a ‘would Roman actually make a decent boyfriend kind of way’ but more a ‘how would I act if that was Roman’ sort of way.

If it had been Roman, I would have winked at him and teased him when he missed the mark or dropped the ball. Roman would have probably picked me up and insisted I play. If Roman were the type to kick a football around. But, he wasn’t. If he was the type to hang out anywhere public sober, he was the type to hang out at the skate park.

My eyes slid over to the skate park situated next to us and I smirked when a certain someone caught my eye and proceeded to fall off his board.