Page 115 of Accidentally Perfect

Chapter Twenty

Two Bruises, One Date and Zero Sleep.

“I’ve noticed Roman’s been going to school a lot more lately,” Mum called from the dining table where she was on her laptop.

Sure, Roman found himself on the school premises a lot more lately. I wasn’t sure that totally classified as going to school, though.

I grinned as I finished cutting the carrots, remembering the rendition of ‘Bleeding Love’ he’d done on the way home that afternoon. Whatever had been bugging him on Sunday, he’d seemed okay again since Monday morning. Although, he’d seemed tired and his car hadn’t been in the driveway next door the last couple of nights.

“Is there a question you wanted to ask in that statement, Mum?”

“I just wondered what kind of time you two were spending together?” she answered with a smile in her voice.

“The friendly kind,” I told her as I started peeling the potatoes. “That’s all.”

“That’s all?”

Why did we have to keep going through this?“Yes, Mum. Roman and I are just friends. Nothing more.”

“You spend a lot of time with a guy you’rejust friendswith.”

“I spend a lot of time with Hadley, too. Should I be dating her?”

“If you wanted to, yes.”

I smiled. “Right. Well I don’t want to date Roman, Mum. But, thanks.”

“How about Hadley?”

I snorted, “No. Thanks. I’m not really her type.”

I heard Mum laugh. “All right. Well, as long as Roman’s not stringing you along or going to hurt you.”

“Mum, I know Romanfartoo well. There is no stringing and no hurting going on, I assure you. I expect nothing from him.”Nothing than I’ve already found myself with.

“Well, you’ve certainly had a good influence on him, honey.”

“You make it sound like I’m working on a charity case.”

Mum chuckled. “Carmen said he’s so much better. He’s happier, he’s out less, he drinks less, he’s a love with Maddy.”

“It sounds like you two talk more than I’d like.”

“Well, that’s quite possible.”

“Hang on,” I said, putting my potato down for a second. “How much do you actually talk about Roman with her?”

“A fair amount, I suppose.”

“And about Roman and me?”


“But, Carmendoestalk about Roman and me with you?”

She made an affirmative noise. “And, she says every improvement has been since you two started hanging out.”

I smiled to myself, knowing any attempt to tell her there was nothing to talk about would give her more reason to think there was something to talk about.