Page 114 of Accidentally Perfect

“Always a pleasure, Rio.” I smiled, sardonically.

He threw me a wink. As usual, he seemed to be looking at me like he didn’t trust me, but found me amusing all at the same time. “Best see what she wants, mate. You can catch us up.”

Steve jutted his chin towards me in goodbye and Rio gave me another smoky salute before they dropped their boards and skated off.

“Lombardi!” I warned as he dropped his board.

“What?” he spat.

“Well, aren’t you pleasant today?”

“How’s yourgirls’day going?”

“Fine. We never actually got to the shopping part, but that’s fine by me.”

“Carter one of the girls now? You going to braid each other’s hair and tell each other secrets.”

“Have I ever braided your hair?”

His anger fell as he looked at me in complete confusion. “What?”

“You’re the only person I’ve told any secrets to lately. Have I been braiding your hair? What makes you think I’d possibly be into braiding while I’m baring my soul?”

His confusion vanished and that hard anger was back. “I’ve got to go. You should get back to Carter.”



He looked me over, the epitome of nonchalance and arrogant defiance. I frowned at him.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Talk about what?”

“This funk.”

He shrugged. “Just a funk. Nothing to talk about.” His eyes slid behind me and then back to his board.

“Are you sure? Can I do anything?”

“Nah. I’ll be peachy.”

I hadn’t seen him be just this dark, blustery Roman in a while and I wondered why he was making a reappearance now. Maybe there’d been more repercussions than I’d seen for his fight earlier in the week? The bruises were still fading even if he’d seemed more relaxed until now.

He shrugged. “It’s just a funk. We get funky. Carter’s waiting on you.”

“Well, he can wait. I’m waiting on you to talk to me. You were fine this morning. Did something happen?”

His eyes slid away again and when they found my face he was giving me his best smirk. “You know me, Barlow. Like clockwork. Haven’t had a good brood in a while. Probably shouldn’t go ruining my image and whatnot.”

“Uh huh. Okay. Well, when you’ve decided you don’t want to be an arsehole anymore, we can not talk about it if you want?”

“I said I’m fucking fine, Barlow! Look, I’ve gotta go. I’ll see you in the morning.”

He huffed a breath, jumped onto his board and took off after Rio and Steve. I shook my head, wishing there was some way I could read his mind like he seemed to be able to read mine.

With a sigh, I headed back over to Hadley, Celeste and Mason. Thankfully, they were busy arguing about whether Zac Efron or Ezra Miller was more attractive.

“Piper?” Mason asked as I pulled my seat out. “Zac or Ezra?”

I smiled, more than happy to take my mind off Roman’s funk. “That’s a hard one.”