“Some kind of wrestling?” Celeste guessed, totally clueless.
“I think it was the gymnastics at the last Olympics,” I offered. “So, not quite half-naked–”
“But, gorgeous.” I’m not sure if Hadley’s words counted as a purr, a breath, or an obscene grunt to be honest.
Mason pressed his lips together as he nodded.
“Don’t you dare laugh,” I said, barely containing it myself.
He shook his head. “No, I wouldn’t dare,” he spluttered.
“Why don’t you sit down and tell us what real sport is, then?” I asked him, pushing the last chair towards him with my foot.
He dropped into the chair and slid into the conversation seamlessly. Nothing was different than it had been a few minutes before just because he was sitting there. It was simple and easy. I mean, I still had to keep a lock on my filter and think about what I said before I said it. But I actually managed some half decent conversation with Mason, curtesy mainly of Hadley and Celeste and their ability to just constantly talk.
Sure it might have annoyed me sometimes and made me feel more claustrophobic than I already was in my own skin, but I actually admired that about them most days. I certainly considered it a flaw that I couldn’t easily make conversation with people when it was necessary, let alone when I wanted to.
“…and then… And, then, Piper sent him an email!” Hadley giggled.
I shook my head. “Yeah, it was a bit sad.”
“Abitsad? Major sad. Did we actually think we were going to make it ontoBig Time Rush?” she asked as Celeste giggled and I avoided looking at Mason.
I shrugged noncommittally. “No, I s’pose not.”
I looked up and saw Roman across the road with Rio and Steve. Rio was the first one to see me and he gave me a curt nod and salute with his cigarette. I saw him mouth something and Roman turned around.
But, whatever humour Rio’s words had put on Roman’s face was gone as he looked at me. I waved and he gave me an even more curt nod than Rio had. I watched Rio smirk and elbow Roman as he said something. Roman replied to him tersely, threw me a stony look, and turned around.
Hadley’s foot connected with my shin and I jumped.
“What?” I asked, taking my eyes off Roman and turning to her.
“I asked what was up his arse.”
I shrugged. “Who knows? Time of the month, probably,” I muttered.
“What?” Celeste asked, completely confused.
“You mean he’s regular or…?” Hadley petered off.
“Regular. Sure.”
“Why don’t you go see what’s up?” Mason asked.
I shook my head. “I’m sure he’s fine.”
“If it was Hads or Celeste, would you check on them?”
I looked at Mason and sighed. “Yes.”
“Good. Then, go.”
“I’ll see you guys later,” I grumbled with a wave and jogged across the street. “Roman!”
He looked at me just long enough for me to know he’d heard me and was purposefully ignoring me.
“You and your lady had a falling out, Lombardi?” Rio teased.