Page 112 of Accidentally Perfect

“You what?” Celeste asked.

I shrugged. “It’s a horror.”

There was silence and I looked up again.

“What?” I asked.

“Horror?” Hadley asked, her eyebrows drawing together.

I nodded. “Yeah. That okay?”

Celeste and Hadley shared a look then both leant towards me.

“Babes,Masonwouldn’t make you watch horror movies…” Hadley said slowly, like it was a defence in and of itself, and I knew to what she was referring.

I rolled my eyes. “Roman and I are just friends. Just. Friends. Or, do you two always have hot sex when you watch a movie together?”

I was going to ignore the part where Roman and I were known to have hot sex when we watched movies together.

“Well, I know horror always puts me in the mood,” Hadley said, matter-of-fact but also completely tongue-in-cheek.

“What?” Celeste and I laughed.

Hadley shrugged. “I dunno, something about the blood. Reminds me of being a woman.”

I snorted in a completely undignified manner and all three of us dissolved into giggles.

Talk shifted and moved between topics ranging from periods to school to clothes to makeup to food, littered with talk about boys, uni in Melbourne or Sydney, too many waffles, and a steady stream of caffeine.

So when Mason walked past and we realised it was something like almost two, it was less surprising that Mason was clean and wearing normal clothes as opposed to his sport uniform.

“Mason! Mason!” Hadley yelled through her most recent giggle fit.

He turned and found us, throwing a huge smile and wave our way. “Hey!”

“Come join!” Celeste said and I nudged her under the table.

“Ow,” Hadley said pointedly and nudged me back as Mason walked over.

“What are you girls up to?”

“Oh, just girl time. You know how it is,” Hadley said pleasantly.

Mason’s eye shone. “Oh, sure. Yeah, we have girl time all the time. Face masks are important, you know. And, Simon does a great pedicure.”

We all laughed.

“Cute. We can do girl time without the face masks and the sexy pillow fights, thank you.” Hadley shook a finger at him. “We watched sport once.”

“Oh, the cliché, Hads,” I snorted as I shook my head in my hands.

“Did youintendto watch sport?” Mason asked as he did a piss-poor job of hiding his smile.

“At first, no,” Celeste admitted. “But, then we realised how hot they were and decided we could suffer through watching half-naked men for a little while.”

“Oh, and it gets better,” I muttered and Mason laughed.

“What were you watching with half-naked men?”