Page 104 of Accidentally Perfect

I laughed just thinking about it. “He thinks lighting a fire under someone’s arse is a legitimate seduction strategy.”

“You guys talk about that stuff a lot?”

I nodded, then stopped myself. “Well, you know Roman and boundaries. If it’s none of his business, he just has to know about it.”

“I didn’t even know you guys were friends.”

I breathed out heavily. “Well, we weren’t really. We just both happened to be at the lake during the holidays – you know, since he moved next door and all – and we got chatting.” I shrugged again. “I dunno, we get along.”

Mason nodded. “Cool…”

“But, just friends!” I said quickly, thinking about what Hadley would do. “We’re so just friends. God, even Celeste couldn’t make Roman boyfriend material.”

And, Celeste was known to try to make Gaston boyfriend material. To which Hadley informed her that “You let Gaston have his wicked way with you, then you go home to Beast.” I personally wasn’t so sure that even being excellent in bed was a good enough reason to go anywhere near the arsehole.

Mason shook himself like he was shaking some thought off. “Nah, it’s cool. I mean, kinda weird. But honestly, you seem…”

“What?” Cue panic-mode.

“Dunno. You just seem…brighter since I got back. More…here.” He ran his hand through his hair and gave a rough chuckle. “Ah, I don’t know what I’m trying to say. But, if you and Roman are friends… Then cool, I guess.”

Mason sure did look like it was cool. But, I felt like that might be weird behaviour for the guy who was supposed to want to ask me out. I looked up into those blue eyes and tried to figure out if it was actually cool or not.

“So…you don’t care if I’m friends with Roman or not?” I hedged.

And of course, at that moment, Hadley appeared.

“Who else will I use to get into his pants?” she asked with a truly sinful grin.

I shook my head. “Oh, I don’t know,” I replied sarcastically. “You could not because…no.”

Hadley sighed loudly. “Fine. Keep him to yourself.”

“It’s not about keeping him to myself,” I said quickly, throwing a quick, awkward look to Mason. “I don’t want him,comprende? It’s about you not getting hurt Hads.”

“Such faith you have in your friend!” Hadley cried dramatically.

“Oh, I’d say the same to him if this conversation were reversed.”

Hadley held her hand up. “Fine. Bitch.”

“Love you, too!” I yelled at her retreating back and she flipped me the bird.

I laughed and turned back to Mason, the semi-weirdness of the situation making my laughter die a somewhat strangled death.

“It’s so not up to me to dictate who your friends are, Pipe,” he said with a smile that I was pretty sure was sincere. “I’ll tell you what you did miss on Saturday night, though…”

Suddenly, the mood shifted away from weird tensions and it all just felt normal again.

“What?” I asked.

“Hads and Tucker flirting.”


“Yes,” he laughed.

“Proper flirting?”