Page 105 of Accidentally Perfect

His grin widened. “I don’t think they realised it. But, I think there’s definitely potential for something there.”

I looked over to where Hadley could have been definitively snubbing Tucker on purpose. In true Tucker form, the guy didn’t seem to notice. That is, if Hadleywassnubbing him. But, my best friend wouldn’t possibly be so shallow and childish. Would she?

Well yeah, probably. That was yet another thing about Hadley’s flirting technique that I just didn’t understand. But, I definitely wanted to know more.

“Tell meeverything,” I demanded with a smile that Mason returned.

Chapter Eighteen

So, Yeah. I’m Friends with Roman.

On the way out to Recess, I walked past a classroom and stopped when I noticed Roman and Rio huddled around the teacher’s computer. I paused, knowing I didn’treallywant to know what they were up to.

Just as I’d decided to move on without drawing attention to myself, Rio looked up.

“Oi, oi,” he said with a salute and a sarcastic smirk.

Roman looked at him, then followed his gaze. When he saw me, the look of defiant contempt left his face and he almost smiled.

“Barlow.” He nodded, then went back to whatever he was doing.

I swayed towards the door, but really didn’t want to get involved. “Boys. Causing trouble, I assume?”

“Oh, you know us,” Rio answered, smirking at me with something hard in his eyes. “On a mission to do the impossible. Mission Impossible Seven!” He grinned.

“And, what might that be?” I knew I’d regret asking.

“Getting Lombardi expelled, of course.”

“Of course.” I looked around the hallway, but there was no one heading in our direction. I leant on the doorframe and watched them. “And, what’s your plan this time?”

“Lombardi’s hacking the System Admin for back door access–” The boys both sniggered and fist-bumped. “And leaving a couple of sweet little Trojans behind as he goes.”

I frowned. “And, that will do what?”

Rio shrugged. “Be a fucking nuisance.”

“Oh, good. Because why be useful?”

Roman looked up at me and I saw a flicker of hesitation cross his face, then he was back to his nonchalant self. “Go on, Barlow. If we get caught, I don’t want you involved.”

“You soft for her, mate?” Rio teased, but he looked at me like he knew something I didn’t.

“Soft isn’t the word I’d use,” Roman muttered as he threw me a wink.

If by some miracle Rio hadn’t understood him, the way my cheeks flushed would have told him exactly what Roman meant. I cleared my throat awkwardly.

“I’m going to leave you two to it…”

Roman’s fingers played across the keyboard, then he pushed away from the desk and strode over to me rather purposefully. He was all cool and assertive and had that commanding aura around him.

“What?” I asked him, my heart thumping.

A smirk played at his lips, but he had that lazily indifferent look in his eyes. He stopped in front of me, wound his arm around my waist and pulled me to him.

“Roman?” I warned him, sliding a look around the hallway.

“What? Bloke needs a good luck kiss before he goes on the lamb,” he said, his voice low and sultry.