Page 103 of Accidentally Perfect

He watched me walk away, exuding a heat I wanted to run to, and I had to turn or I thought I might combust. I hurried out of the building and made for my friends, trying to cool my cheeks.

“I missed you, Saturday,” Mason said with a smile when he caught up to me just before I got to everyone else.

I nodded and told my heart to stop beating so fast. “Yeah, sorry. I…uh…” I chuckled awkwardly.

“Tucker might have mentioned something about it.” Mason’s smile grew more rueful.

I felt my cheeks warm just after I’d managed to get some control over them. I looked at the grass as I tucked my hair behind my ear.

“Uh, yeah,” I laughed. “Not my finest moment. No tactical chunders required, though. That I know of…”

“Roman got you home okay?”

All right. What sort of question was that?

Was he just asking, or was he digging for information? Would Hadley bat her eyes and tell him she’d have preferred it to be him? Was this one of those flirting opportunities, or was I just meant to answer a question? Why did I need to make my way through five-thousand options and still not know what to do?

I swallowed and nodded again.

“Yep, all good. He saw me into the house then went off to do whatever it is he does on a Saturday night.” I shrugged.

I didn’t know how long Roman had been there or what he’d done after. I didn’t even remember if we’d talked.

“Well, we certainly didn’t see him again.”

I was trying to get a read on Mason. He looked as calm and confident as usual, his face open and honest and just so damn charming. But, we were hovering next to weird territory here and I wasn’t sure how to sidle the other way.

“Maybe he met up with Rio?”

Oh, I should not have said that like I knew Rio or anything about Roman’s movements. From the look on Mason’s face, he might have been thinking something along the same lines. Or, he might not.

“So, you’re uh friends with him now, huh?” Mason scratched the back of his head. “Roman. I mean, he drives you to school, he drove you and Hads, and I’ve seen you two talking.”

I licked my lip nervously. “I guess you could call usfriends…?”

“But I mean, you hang out and stuff?”

I felt like this was going somewhere and I had no idea where. But, we were certainly not sidling in the preferable direction.

We spend hours together and sometimes it leads to sex, does that count?“Well, we chat a bit in the car I guess. And, we find ourselves in the same vicinity now and then. So, we talk…and hang a little… Sort of…”

Mason nodded.

Not sure what he might be thinking, I blurted, “I mean, what Hadley did last week…” I huffed another awkward laugh. “That was just her being a dick. She’s got this theory that Roman…”Too much information!“Anyway, he doesn’t. I can guarantee that. He didn’t even want to ask me out, he was just teasing Hads. Personally, I think…” I didn’t know what I thought or where my brain had been planning to lead me with that opener, so I crashed to a halt.

“Think what?” Mason asked, totally interested.

An idea popped into my head and I don’t know why I ran with it. “I personally think Roman was just stirring shit for Hads. She talks enough about how she’d…hook up with him. Roman probably thought it was funny to ask me out in front of her. What he thought that was going to do, I don’t know. Maybe he thinks jealousy works well on getting people to make a move or something?”

“What do you think?” he asked.

“About what? Hads and Roman?”

“No, the jealousy thing.”

I shrugged again and hoped my answer wasn’t going to be too pointed. “I think if someone doesn’t feel the need to make a move until there’s a reason to be jealous, then maybe they weren’t really feeling it after all.”

Mason nodded slowly. “Makes sense, I guess. What does Roman think of your theory?”