Page 87 of Almost Maybes

Jackson laughed. “You’re giving me an assignment?”

“Yes! You need to be educated on the greatest hits of the past.”

“You’re ridiculous.”

“You love me,” she whispered and Jackson smiled.

“Yeah, I guess I do.”

The long silence on the other end made him chuckle as he walked to the pantry and made himself a cup of coffee.


“I’m trying to be offended by your response.”

Jackson smirked. “So that means silence?”

“Yes, now stop distracting me from my silence.”

Smiling, he took a sip of his coffee and walked towards the balcony. With Afocus Design on the 14th& 15thfloor, they had one area dedicated to a balcony. It was most often used by smokers, but for Jackson, it was a place to go and think. Walking the length of the balcony helped clear his mind. And as he walked out onto the empty balcony with his coffee, he listened to Oleander shuffle around on the other end. They did this sometimes, stayed on call while the other went on with their day just to hear soft sounds and remind each other that one day, they could reconnect again.

Oleander was humming a song and Jackson was mid-sip when a scent hit him.

A scent he hadn’t inhaled in a while.

“Hi, Jax.”

Jackson swallowed the coffee in his mouth before turning to face the voice.

“Ursula. Why?” He stared at her, momentarily forgetting about Oleander on the other end of the phone call.

“That’s no way to greet a friend.”

Jackson frowned and cleared his throat before slapping on a fake smile, not bothering to hide his annoyance. “What thefuckare you doing here?”

“I came to see you, obviously.”

“To return my clothes?”

“Oh, I tossed those out a while ago.”

Jackson sighed, realizing Oleander was still listening and quickly disconnected the call.

“Why are you here?”

“I’ve got a proposition for you.”

“Not interested.” Jackson shook his head, tipping his cup at her in a ‘thank you, goodbye’ sign.

“This will benefit you greatly too.”

He sighed. “I doubt that.”

“You met someone new!”

“Where did you even get that idea?” He frowned.

“A year ago you would have dropped to your knees at the mention of a beneficial proposition, now you’re not even looking at me.”