Page 88 of Almost Maybes

Jackson tilted his head back, shoving his earphones into his pocket. “There are so many reasons why I wouldn’t drop to my knees for you anymore, least of all because I met someone new.”

“So you did meet someone new.”

“Can you get to the point faster, because I’m busy trying to crack an idea,” he said with as much patience as he could and frowned, realizing she wasn’t supposed to be there. “How did you even get into the building at this hour?”

“The security downstairs still thinks we’re together,” Ursula said with a saccharine smile that made Jackson’s stomach turn. “So, the proposition.”

“Nope, not interested.”

Ursula kept talking. “Ariadne’s getting married and I’m the Maid of Honor, and I need a date.”

“You have a date.”

“Jax.” Ursula was trying to reprimand him, but she was being coy and it was driving him insane. “Come with me.”

“Why would I do that? We broke up, remember?”

“But we’re still friends!”

“No, we’re not. You said we’re friends and closed the door. I never agreed to any of it.”

“Now you’re being dramatic.”

“For the love of…” Jackson blew out a frustrated breath and set his coffee down before turning to his ex-girlfriend. “No, I will not be your date. No, we weren’t friends after you kicked me out of your life. No, I am not even remotely interested in getting back together with you. And yes, I have met someone new, not that it’s any of your business.”

“Wow, Jax, took you long enough to stand up to me.”

“Please leave. Hand them your visitor’s pass too, I’ll let them know to take you off the list.”

Ursula pouted. “I was really hoping you’d give me another chance.”

“You had six months to come talk to me, Ursula. I don’t owe you anything.” He turned his back on her and focused on his breathing. This was why he so rarely talked about his exes and why he kept Ursula asecretfrom Oleander.Shit.She probably heard part of the conversation and Jackson hated that. He didn’t expect Ursula to show up and he definitely didn’t intend for Oleander to hear him saying her name.

He didn’t care if she had left or not, Jackson pulled his phone out of his pocket and found a string of texts from Oleander with question marks and wide eyed emojis. Groaning, he quickly replied that it was nothing to worry about. But what was the point? She was worried. And after almost two weeks of barely seeing each other, Oleander heard him speaking to his ex. If the roles were reversed, Jackson would have felt the same. Or worse, really.

Fuck, he wanted to see Oleander again, even if it meant showing up and waiting in the parking lot until she finished her shift. He didn’t want her to think he was doing it only because Ursula showed up, but because he wanted to see her. Ursula showing up speeded up the process.

As he walked back into the office, Jackson called Oleander and got her voicemail. He thought about leaving a message and changed his mind. At his desk, he tried her again and got her voicemail once more. Obviously she was ignoring him or she’d left for work already and had turned her phone off, which meant he wouldn’t get to her until she was done.

Jackson started to pack up his things, because now he needed to go see her. Heneededto make sure she was okay and wasn’t thinking the worst of him. As he packed up, he called her again and when her voicemail answered, he knew heading to her place was the best thing.