Page 109 of Almost Maybes

Chapter Thirty-Six

After her day of indulging with Frankie, Ollie madebigdecisions.

First, quit her job at the Barrel.

Working at the Barrel had been fun at first. Frankie got to drink for free and Ollie always ate great food, met fun people and got laid quite often. But was that enough to keep a job? With how little she was getting paid or cared about the job itself, it made no sense to stay when it frustrated her. Plus, as much as Ollie didn’t want that to be a reason, she was constantly afraid she would run into Jackson or his friends. And for the time being, that excuse was going to have to be enough.

Second, devote herself to teaching dance full time.

This was the easiest decision to make. She’d thought about taking on more classes for years, but knew that she neededme timebetween working the bar and dancing. Ollie knew most people would work back-to-back jobs, but that was never going to be okay for her.

Third, tell her parents about Jackson.

The first two were easier than the third, so Ollie decided to tackle it last. She might have been raised to always do the difficult things first, but this one required patience and finesse, and she didn’t want to wing it.

So she did the first two things.

After skipping out on work for four days, Killian was gunning for Ollie. She showed up on time for her shift the day after Frankie came to her apartment and spent close to 30 minutes listening to Killian go on about how irresponsible she was.

When he paused to take a breath, Ollie dropped the bomb. “I quit.”

“What?” Killian looked surprised.

“You treat everyone like shit and I’m one of your oldest employees,” she explained, gesturing with her hands, “andyou pay me crap, even though I do more than anyone else and work all the late shifts.”

“Okay, you’re being dramatic.”

“One more thing,” she said, ignoring his remark. “Start treating your female staff better or I’ll make sure they all quit and file sexual harassment lawsuits against you and your patrons.”

His eyes widened. “You wouldn’t.”

“Don’t tempt me. I havenothingto lose,” Ollie said with a sweet smile. “I’ll finish my shift tonight, then I’m done.”

Killian was flustered for the rest of the evening. Ollie worked her shift like usual and when her time was up, she clocked out for the last time and walked away from the Barrel knowing she was making the right decision.

While her parents had kept insisting Ollie didn’t have to pay them back for college and everything else, Ollie wanted to do that at some point. Now was better than never. And working at Tiny Dancers would definitely make her more money.

The next day, she went in to see Melody about coming on full time and taking on more classes. Other than the sessions she had, she knew Melody was looking to expand her classes and add more to the schedule. Maybe this was her chance to dance because it made herhappy,instead of dancing because it paid the bills.

“You’re in a very chipper mood this morning,” Melody said in lieu of a greeting as Ollie walked into her office.

“I come bearing great news!” Ollie grinned.

“Well, I’ve got some great news too, so do you want to go first?”

Ollie nodded and sat down, straightening her back as she smiled at her. “I want to come on as a full time dance teacher.”

Melody smiled, but stayed silent. Ollie frowned as they stared at each other. She opened her notebook and pushed it towards Ollie.

“These are the new classes we’re thinking of adding to our schedule.”

“Whoa.” Ollie’s eyes widened as she looked at the hand-drawn table in front of her. She couldn’t count fast enough, but it looked like there were more people looking for dance lessons than either of them expected.

“So your decision to go full time could not come on a better day.”

“Holy shit, Mel, this is incredible,” Ollie laughed and brushed the tip of her finger over the list. “Hold on, how is this going to work?”

“We’re bringing on two more teachers, obviously. So along with the classes you already have, you could probably take on two more. Which means you’ll start your day at 9AM and finish up by 8PM.”