Page 110 of Almost Maybes

Ollie nodded, processing the new schedule. While it was a lot of hours of dancing, she knew there would be at least four hours in the course of the day she’d be free. She could use the time to sleep or get out for a bit, as long as she came back on time for her next class.And, it freed up her evenings.

“And, there’s one more bit of good news.”

“No more dance moms in the studio?” Ollie said with an arched eyebrow and Mel laughed. “Hey, a girl can dream, okay.”

“Nice try, but what I was going to say was you don’t have to work weekends. I’d like to start the new teachers off on the weekends.”


Mel nodded. “Absolutely. You’ve been with me for years and you’ve given up your weekends and a lot of your days to fill up slots. I don’t want to put you through that for much longer.”

“Mel…that’s,” Ollie shook her head, shocked that this was actually happening. “This brings up the big question.”

“Yes, you’ll get paid more,” Mel smiled. “With more registrations, I can definitely afford it. Besides, you’re now a full time teacher, you’ll get paid as such.”

“While we’re on this subject,” Ollie said as she leaned forward, offering Melody her most charming smile. It was not charming at all. She probably gave Pennywise a run for his money. “Can we implement a new rule?”

“You think that smile is attractive, but it’s actually quite unsettling.”

“I know.” Ollie smiled wider, tilting her head to the side. “Parents, friends and boyfriends of older kids can’t hang around inside the studio during classes.”

“You know it won’t work.”

“The kids are so unmotivated when their moms are yelling from the sidelines.”

Mel sighed. “I’ve had my fair share of it; I know what you mean.”

“It’s just for the sessions with kids above the age of 10. The younger kids are there for the fun of it and the moms can be as neurotic as they want.”

“Let me think about it? I’m sure we’ll have to find somewhere for all of them to hang out during class and Kris willkillme if I insist they stay in the reception.”

“As long as she never knows it was my idea, I don’t think she’d mind.” Ollie finally unscrewed her creepy smile and got to her feet.

‘I’ll put together the new schedule and we can start you off in a few days, how does that sound?”

Ollie grinned. “Absolutely. Thanks Mel, I needed this.”

Mel stood up and they shared a quick hug. When Ollie walked out, she felt lighter and happier.

The last thingshe had to do was talk to her parents. Of course, she wanted to do it in person, but flying out to Huntington for a weekend was ridiculous. And then there was the whole thing about physically looking Baby in the eyes and explaining the truth. The easier thing was to do it via FaceTime and get the conversation done with.

The call went about as well as Ollie thought it would—it took 15 minutes to get everyone in the frame and by the time Baby could hear everyone, Ollie felt like she’d aged a million years. Frankie sat by her side, being the supportive best friend and held her hand as she told her family about everything.

Which included telling Baby the boys she kept introducing Ollie to were duds.

When she finally told them about Jackson, her grandmother looked unhappy. But her parents seemed to be dealing with it better. Ollie knew her family would support her, like they did when she came out, but this was different. She wasn’t with Jackson anymore, so it was strange to be talking about him like he was still in her life. Sure, the call had two important topics and both of them were received with mixed reactions.

“So, when are we meeting this boy?”

Ollie looked at Frankie at her father’s question. “I don’t know, we’re a bit of a mess.”

Baby mumbled in broken English, “You cannot trust theseAmericans.”

Frankie scoffed and pointed at herself, which made Baby roll her eyes and Ollie chuckled, “Ammachi, that’s not entirely true.”

Baby shrugged it off and her mother stepped in. “What happened?”

“Let’s just say his sister isn’t as kind as Jackson is and she made a bit of a scene.”