Page 53 of Almost Maybes

Chapter Eighteen

He couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept that well. The night started out with Oleander tucked into his side and at some point with her hand dangerously close to the waistband of his boxers. He startled awake early in the morning and shifted them so he could spoon her. In her sleep Oleander guided Jackson’s hand under her shirt. With the warmth of her body and his thumb brushing against the underside of her breast, Jackson fell back asleep.

Despite not setting an alarm, his body woke him up like clockwork while Oleander snored and drooled into the pillow. He realized it was creepy to watch her sleep, but he’d cataloged every detail of her face. He’d never done this before, sleeping with someonebeforesex. If she hadn’t ripped the condom and they hadn’t fallen off the bed, would Oleander have left soon after sex?

His thoughts were also consumed by her confession. Someone in her past had hurt her really bad that it made her uncomfortable to be with a man. When she said the words haltingly, he’d been shocked. Oleander hadn’t told him to gain sympathy—she told him so he’d be aware of what she was comfortable with. The last thing Jackson wanted was for Oleander to feel obligated to fuck him. Because he liked her enough to wait.

Startling when his phone vibrated, Jackson frowned. He picked it up and slid out of bed when he saw Mindy’s name on his screen. Stepping out of the room, Jackson pulled the door closed and answered the phone. “Hey Mindy.”

His stepmother sounded cheerful, as always. “Hey honey, I expected the voicemail to pick up.”

“My body didn’t get the memo that it’s a weekend.”

“Why are you whispering?”

“Sorry.” Jackson cleared his throat before speaking. “What’s up?”

“It’s Keleigh’s eighteenth birthday in a couple of weeks and I’m planning a party. She doesn’t want it, I know, but my baby is turning eighteen!” Jackson chuckled at Mindy’s dramatic sigh. ”I was hoping you could drive up for the party. Also, don’t bring her any gifts, she’s doing this fundraising thing and she’d prefer contributions.”

“Of course, Mindy, I’ll be there. Wouldn’t miss a chance to torture my baby sister.”

Mindy’s voice lifted at his confirmation. “Good! She’ll be really happy to see you.”

“I’m looking forward to it,” Jackson assured her and asked about his older siblings. “Are Brandon and Lisbeth coming?”

“Beth and Carrie said they’d come with the kids. I don’t think the boys will make it,” Mindy explained, calling out Lisbeth’s husband and Brandon for always being the antisocial ones. “But having you here will make up for it.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

“I know, sweetheart. I’ll let you get back to bed, call me soon okay?”

“I will. Love you,” Jackson told her, smiling when she returned the love and blew kisses into the phone before hanging up.

Blowing out a breath, Jackson watched Raph peek out of his shell and tuck himself back inside. His siblings didn’t care for Mindy, but they did like Keleigh. His brother was always going to pick some ‘work’ related event over being with the family. At least his wife, Carrie, loved hanging out with the Huxley gang. Then there was Lisbeth. His sister was a character unto herself and sometimes he was confused how they were related when they were all so drastically different.

When Jackson came backinto his bedroom, he couldn’t help the snort that escaped him. Oleander was in the middle of the bed, with the covers kicked off. Her hair was wild and spread out over the pillow she had been drooling on moments ago. And the t-shirt was bunched up around her waist, leaving her Ninja Turtle panties exposed. She was still snoring, but Jackson couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Lifting his phone, he took a picture and set it on his dresser. Climbing into bed, he let his eyes take in the rest of her body.

Oleander wasn’t skinny, but Jackson didn’t care about that. He might have dated skinny or thin girls before, but Oleander’s curves and extra body fat didn’t bother him. He’d never paid attention to a woman’s body the way he looked at her. Her thighs were thick and soft, with dimples in her hips and her stomach was the same, with tiny rolls above the waistband of her panties. He’d definitely noticed that before, but when she was standing in front of him in just Turtle panties, he’d lost all focus on anything else.

But what he did notice and did love about Oleander’s body were hercurves. Jackson had traced them last night, but actually seeing them in the soft light of the morning was something special. The night before, Jackson had most certainly noticed the curve of her back where it met her ass and how her dress rode up slightly because of it. Then there were her full breasts—he couldn’t wait to hold them in his hands again.

Smiling, he stretched a hand out and brushed it up her leg, moving up her knee and to her thigh. At his touch, she stirred and turned onto her side. It took Oleander a minute to realize Jackson was no longer beside her, because she turned onto her back and looked around.

When she finally focused on him, Jackson grinned. “Morning.”

“Were you watching me sleep?”

“I was actually checking out your underwear.”

Oleander gave him a lazy smile. “Hot, right?”

“The hottest,” Jackson nodded as Oleander yawned, stretching her arms and legs.

“Why are you awake?”

“I got used to early mornings, so sleeping in is out of the question.”

“Poor baby,” Oleander pouted and sat up, “I’ll spoon you back to sleep if you want.”