Page 52 of Almost Maybes


“What happened?” Jackson pulled back to look at her and Ollie laughed, covering her face with one hand while holding the ripped condom with the other. “We might need another one.”

“Good thing I have a whole box, huh?”

Jackson kissed her and Ollie moved at the same time he did, because she knew the condoms were all on her side of the bed. Because they were moving without any coordination, they tumbled, falling to the floor. Jackson groaned and she laughed at how ridiculous this whole evening was turning out to be.

“Are you okay?” Ollie asked, half on top of Jackson and half on the floor, her hip stinging from the fall. “Did I break your penis?”

“God no, but everything else hurts.”

“I think we’re cursed.” Ollie shifted, curling into Jackson’s side as she tilted her head to look at him.

“Maybe we’re meant to take it slow.”

“How much slower can we go?”

“Reallyslow,” he mumbled.

Ollie smiled as Jackson cradled her head in his hand and leaned in to kiss her softly. Sighing against his mouth, Ollie wrapped one leg around his waist and sank into the kiss.

Jackson pulled back and mumbled. “Thank you, by the way.”

“For not breaking your penis?”

“For going out with me.” Jackson playfully tugged on her hair. “For letting me woo you these last few weeks.”

“You’re welcome,” she whispered, tracing shapes on his chest with the tip of her finger. “These dates have really been some of the best I’ve been on. I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun on every date.”

“Me too.”

She smiled, “I’m also impressed you got me naked and in your bed this fast.”

“I thought you’d be a lot harder to crack given how much you made me work for everything.”

Ollie poked him in the side. “I had to make sure you were worth it.”

“And what’s the verdict?”

“You’ll do.”

“Thanks,” he deadpanned, fingers still playing with her hair.

It felt good, being with Jackson without having to fill the silence. Finally when she felt her hip go numb, Ollie groaned and sat up. “Can we get back into bed now?”

“Fuck. Yeah.”

Ollie pushed herself to her feet and tugged on an abandoned t-shirt—it barely covered her ass and hugged all of her curves, so Ollie tugged her panties on and brushed her hands through her hair. “Where’s the bathroom?”

“First door on the left.”

Once in the bathroom, she refused to look at her reflection as she washed her hands after peeing. For as long as Ollie could remember, mirrors were not her best friend. She used them during dance classes, but when it came to looking at herself for anything other than getting ready, she avoided them. And now, with almost sex hair and a flush on her cheeks, Ollie didn’t want to look at herself and jinx it. Ollie closed the bedroom door behind her and grinned at the sight of Jackson sitting up in his bed, shirtless, with his covers settled around his waist as he looked at his phone.

“What are you doing?”

Jackson tapped his phone, “Setting an alarm.”

“What for? I don’t plan on going anywhere tomorrow.”

Jackson’s eyes widened. “Really?”

“Yeah, I hope to pick up where we left off before I tore the condom and we collapsed on the floor.”

“All right, alarm is off.” Jackson tossed his phone onto the nightstand and sank into the bed. She climbed in and curled up beside him, fluffing a pillow and sinking into it with a happy sigh.

“You look really good in my t-shirt, by the way.”

Ollie blinked up at Jackson sleepily and smoothed a hand over the t-shirt. “Thank you. I feel really good in it too.”

“Good night, beautiful,” Jackson mumbled, tugging her against him, his lips brushing over her forehead as Ollie yawned and closed her eyes.