Page 42 of Almost Maybes

“If you did that,” Mr. Chipper announced and presented two large cups, “you’d miss out on this delicious creation. I figure after all the things you’ve tried so far, you could use a little bit of the same thing.”

“You made us the same thing?”

“Damn straight. You two look good together and you keep trying each other’s creations, so I figure, why not combine all of it and create something awesome.”

“Thank you, that’s…you might have helped me score a second date,” Jackson laughed and Ollie rolled her eyes. But she had to agree, there was something about these shakes that made them both so comfortable coming back repeatedly. “I’m Jackson, this is Oleander.”

“Good to meet you two. I’m Niles. If you’re ever near Bethany Beach, come visit us.”

“Thanks Niles,” Ollie said, handing Jackson a cup.

“You two have a good weekend and I’ll see you soon.” Ollie watched him walk away and realized they hadn’t paid.

“Niles, wait, we need to pay for these!”

“On the house!” He called out and vanished into the truck. Jackson was already slurping on his shake, making all kinds of inappropriate noises that made Ollie laugh.

“Come on, let’s head out and get away from all these people.”

“Can’t wait to get me alone, huh?”

“Yes ma’am, that’s exactly what I want to do,” Jackson said with a straight face, Ollie couldn’t help but laugh. While she might have been ready to go home with Jackson, there was a part of Ollie felt like they couldn’t rush this. Kissing, touching and holding hands was one thing, but sex was a really big deal. As someone who struggled to connect with men in the bedroom after Pierce, Ollie didn’t want to go home with Jackson because it was an option.

She wanted every single time they were intimate to mean something more than sex. Which was why when they reached her car, Ollie turned around and leaned back against it.

At Jackson’s frown, Ollie smiled. “We’re not going home.”

His eyes widened as he looked around. “You want to do it here?”

Ollie laughed. “We’re not having sex tonight, Jackson.”


“Not that I don’t want to have sex with you, I’m not sure we’re there yet.”

Jackson nodded. “But you’re up for more dates?”

“Absolutely,” Ollie grinned and watched Jackson’s face transform.

“That’s good enough for me. I really enjoyed spending time with you, Oleander. Today was…different.”

“What does that mean?”

“In a good way, obviously, because I’ve never gone on a date like this before. It’s usually dinner or drinks or something with lots of people I know,” Jackson explained and Ollie nodded. “But this felt good. There were lots of people, but it was also just you and me.”

“I really enjoyed today too, this might be one of my favorite dates of all time.” she smiled.

“So now whatever we do next, I have to top this.”

Ollie grinned. “No pressure.”

Jackson laughed as she took another big sip of her shake. He watched her, moving in closer and Ollie smiled around her straw. One hand landed gently on her hip and Ollie pulled her drink away.

“May I kiss you?” Jackson’s voice was soft, but almost desperate.

“Of course.”

The words were barely out of her mouth before he was kissing her. Unlike their kiss from earlier, this one was deeper and more passionate. Ollie sighed softly against his mouth and pulled away.