“I’m sure you’re a superhero to those kids.”
“They hate my guts,” Jackson laughed. “But, that’s just the start. I hope I’m actually able to help them get out of the cycle and protect themselves.”
“Did you ever get into fights after you started learning karate?”
“At school? Oh yeah. Mindy got called in a lot, but she was always proud of me for standing up for myself.”
“Do you think you might start classes for adults or women?”
“We’ve talked about it,” Jackson mumbled. “Would you sign up?”
“Hell yeah,” Ollie grinned and performed what she thought was a karate chop. “Frankie and I would love to learn some moves. So far, we know what Sandra Bullock taught us inMiss Congenialityand holding our keys between our fingers.”
“Have you ever had to use it?”
“Maybe once, but it’s better to be prepared, right?” She lifted a hand to cup Jackson’s cheek. “You continue to surprise me, Jackson.”
“I’m glad, otherwise I feel like you’d be bored of me really soon.”
Ollie gently shoved him, making Jackson laugh. “I haven’t gotten bored of you yet, so…there’s still a possibility.”
“Oh, so there’s a chance we might not ride off into the sunset together.”
Nodding, she took another sip of her shake and pouted when nothing came through. “Well, now that my shake is over, there’s even less chance of that happening.”
“Come on,” Jackson chuckled, hand out as he got to his feet. “Let’s get more shakes for the road.”
Ollie took his hand and arched an eyebrow. “Where is this road taking us?”
“Wherever you want it to go.”
She stretched up onto her toes to press a soft kiss against his lips before dropping back to her feet. “Lead the way,padawan.”
Jackson made the growly sound again and Ollie smirked, loving that a casual mention of somethingStar Warsrelated would get him so wired up. Such a nerd. She loved it.
Followinghim to Shake For A Surprise, Ollie replayed the whole day in her head. When they met, she’d been so reluctant to let him in. If they hadn’t seen each other at the coffee shop, Ollie knew Jackson would not have flirted with her on his next visit. And now, she was holding his hand, kissing him, being seen in public with him…this was how relationships started.
And instead of absolute panic, she was feeling something else—she was really comfortable with Jackson. Not once did he make her feel nervous around him or uneasy for any reason.
Ollie didn’t even realize they’d reached the food truck till Mr. Chipper interrupted her thoughts to announce they knew exactly what to make them and vanished into the truck. Ollie leaned against Jackson as he wound an arm around her shoulders, tucking her into his side.
That was another thing that felt normal—she leaned into him and his body knew exactly what to do. Ollie felt safe in Jackson’s arms and that was a big deal since she so rarely felt safe outside of her friends circle anymore.
Snuggling into him more, inhaling his scent Ollie whispered. “We should find out their name and spread the word.”
“We should petition to be brand ambassadors.”
Ollie loved the way their brains were working together. “Yes! Put that advertising brain to good use, cutie.”
“I like that, though I hope I’m more than cute.”
“Right now, you’re fucking cute. We can revisit this later and see how I feel.”
“No pressure whatsoever,” Jackson chuckled.
“You got me this far, Jackson. That says a lot about how much further we could go.”
“Now I want to say fuck it to these shakes and go home.”