No. Kylie wasn’t leaving. This was home now. She’d have to figure out how to get through the fair and talk to Derek as little as possible then avoid him. Forever.

“If that’s settled,” Brad interrupted her thoughts, “how about some drinks and Big Brother Canada? I saved the last few episodes on my laptop while I was in Japan.”

Kylie stood up. “Daiquiris or white wine?”

“Daiquiris!” they both chimed.

Stronger, she went into the kitchen. This was the right decision, even though her heart had shattered.

~ * ~

The next morning, Kylie slept in. They’d drank the daiquiris, and then polished off a bottle of wine. Audrey and Brad had salvaged the evening for Kylie, but now her head was filled with cotton balls. Sharp, spiky cotton balls.

She dragged herself out of bed and got ready for the day ahead. A knot wound itself in her stomach, and it had nothing to do with the overabundance of beverages the night before.

She had no desire to even see Derek today, but she was going to have to work with the whole team. And she would do an amazing job too, because she wasn’t going to let him throw her off her game and ruin all her hard work.

The fair would be amazing; she’d make sure of it.

And she had to get to the field soon. They’d been mostly organized when she left last night, but what if he hadn’t finished the set up? It could be a disaster.

She shuffled down the street in her sensible sparkly pink running shoes, jeans, and a T-shirt, her hangover somewhat dissipating. They’d lucked out on the weather. There was a warm breeze coming off the water, and only a few small clouds dotted the sky. Perfect.

Rounding the corner at the library, she saw the field. It was all set up perfectly. Derek had at least followed her plans, thank goodness. Not seeing anyone else moving around the field yet, now was her chance to double-check everything before he showed up.

Down the path to the gate, she caught movement in the grass ahead. Slowing her strides, she expected to see a squirrel or rabbit pop up and run away. But the rustling continued, and when she got closer to inspect, she saw a small brown and white furry body digging through some leaves.

“Taco? What are you doing here?”

The fluffy critter let out a squeak, and Kylie bent to scoop him into her hands. She gazed into his beady black eyes and snickered as his nose wiggled.

“I know someone who will be very happy to see you.” She cuddled him with care as she continued down the street, past the field, and around the corner to Derek’s house.

She steadied herself before knocking, in case he answered the door, but it was Cate who opened it.

“Hey Kylie,” she said. “Derek isn’t home. He crashed at Adam’s last night.”

“Oh, that’s okay,” Kylie said, relieved. “I found this little guy and thought he might want to come home.” She opened her hands to reveal Taco, and Cate’s jaw dropped.

“Holy hell! Where’d you find him?”

“Right beside the football field.”

“It’s a freaking miracle.” She rubbed her forehead. Then she yelled into the house, “Charlie get down here! Kylie has something for you.”

Kyle stepped into the now familiar front room of the house and heard Charlie’s bare feet bounding down the stairs. He was in cowboy pajamas, and his face lit up when he saw her. Her heart warmed then immediately saddened. There probably wouldn’t be many chances to visit with Cate and Charlie anymore.

“Did you bring me a dinosaur book?” he asked, and she showed him what was in her hands.

The boy’s jaw dropped the same way his mother’s had.

“Taco?” he asked quietly. Then cheered, “Taco!” and scooped the hamster into his hands. “Oh Taco! I love you! I love you!”

“Thank you so much for finding him,” Cate said. “Want to come in for a coffee?”

“Thanks, but I have to get to the field for set up,” Kylie said.

“Of course, I’m sure you’ve got a ton of work to do today for the fair.”