Charlie held Taco in one arm and tugged on Kylie’s hand with the other. “When are you going to come to dinner again?”

Her heart sank as she looked from Charlie to Cate. Had Derek said anything to her yet?

“Oh Charlie, I’m not sure.”

The boy wrapped his arms around Taco as his eyes went wide. “Are you moving away? I thought you didn’t want to.”

“No. Oh no. I’m not leaving Charlie.” She crouched to meet the boy’s gaze.

“Then come to dinner.” He beamed.

It was difficult to think of how to answer him without badmouthing his uncle.

Cate must’ve seen the awkwardness on her face. “Sweetie, Kylie’s really busy right now. Maybe another time, okay. Plus, we’ll see her at the fair today. Why don’t you go put Taco back in his cage?”

“Okay, Mama.” Charlie disappeared back into the house.

Cate cocked an eyebrow. “What happened?”

“I’m not sure, to be honest. Words were exchanged, and Derek made it clear he doesn’t want me around anymore.”

“Maybe it’s for the best. Since you’ll be headed back to Toronto anyway.”

“But I’m not.” Kylie shrugged.

“You aren’t? Wasn’t your plan to get your brother to offer you a job?”

“It was, yes. But I found a job I like more in Hampton, so I’ll be staying in Camden.”

Cate’s face was hard to read. Kylie thought they got along, but perhaps Derek had told Cate why he was mad at her, and Cate agreed with him.

“Huh,” was all she said. “Well in that case. Congratulations on the new job, and good luck with the fair today.”

“Thanks. I’ll see you later I guess.”


Cate wasn’t being cold. More like calculating. It was unnerving, so Kylie was happy to leave to go help with the fair preparations.