Chapter Twenty-Five

Kylie woke up slowly Friday morning. It was the day before the fair and she had a million things to do, but for a moment she just let herself lay in bed and enjoy the memory of her conversation with Derek the day before.

She’d wanted to tell him about applying for a job in Hampton, but if she didn’t get it…well she didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up.

Dean hadn’t called. It was only Friday morning, and she shouldn’t worry yet. But the doubt was there.

She’d probably have to go work for Brad and leave town anyway. It was better to be sure before making Derek any promises of staying, although the longer she was home, the more she wanted to promise him, and everyone, that she was staying.

She heard voices in the kitchen downstairs. In fact, she heard three voices. She dragged herself out of bed and threw on her housecoat.

Down in the kitchen, she found both of her parents sitting at the kitchen table chatting with her big brother, the morning sunlight glinting off the chrome of his wheelchair.

The three of them had steaming mugs of coffee in front of them, and Brad was animatedly telling them a story.

“Brad!” Kylie said, stumbling off the last stair. “What are you doing here?”

“Hey Ky!” He wheeled his chair from behind the table and around to her.

She bent to give him a hug and squeezed him until he tapped her shoulder. “Sorry. It’s just really great to see you.”

“I got in late last night,” he said. “Or early this morning, I’m not really sure. With all the time zone changes and jet lag, I’m actually not one hundred percent sure what day it even is.”

“Brad came for the long weekend,” her mother said. “To relax a bit after his big trip and enjoy your fair.”

“That’s great.” Kylie sat at the table, while Brad wheeled over to the counter to fix her a cup of coffee.

“How was your trip?” she asked.

“It was really cool,” he said. “I mean, a lot of it was business meetings, but they were excited about working with our company. And we got to tour Tokyo for a day then the countryside. Japan is such a beautiful country.”

“Did you take lots of pictures?” her father asked.

“I filled up the SD card in my phone. But before I can show anyone I need to go through and delete all the blurry photos.”

Kylie was about to ask Brad how long he was staying when she heard her cellphone ringing from her purse hanging in the front hall. She jumped up to answer it.

The caller ID said Kids Can, and her heart leapt into her throat. “Hello?”

“Hi, Kylie?” Dean’s voice came over the phone. “It’s Dean from Kids Can.

“Hi Dean! How are you?”

“I’m great, thanks. In fact, I’m really hoping you’re still interested in working with us?”

“Yes!” she yelped then cleared her throat and tried to sound more professional. “Yes. I am still interested.”

“Wonderful,” he said. “Then the job is yours. Would you be able to come in sometime next week to sign papers and set up your work schedule?”

“Absolutely,” she said. “I’ll have to check when I’m working at the café, but I’ll definitely be able to come in.”

“Great! Why don’t you text me when you know your schedule and we’ll set up a time?”

After a few more pleasantries, she hung up and went back into the kitchen. All three of the adults sitting around the table were staring at her.

“Good news?” Brad asked, a grin cracking deep lines in his face.

“Yes!” she said then frowned. “Well not good news for you, I’m afraid. And possibly not Mom and Dad either.”