“Sounds like a good call,” her mom said. “What’s going on?”

“I’ve just been offered a part time PR job with a children’s organization in Hampton.” Kylie beamed.

The rest of them stared for a moment until Brad broke the silence.

“Well, you would’ve been rubbish in a tech firm anyway.” He snorted and opened his arms to offer her a congratulatory hug.

“I’ll be running social media and fundraising campaigns to help kids with learning disabilities.” Her voice pitched higher with excitement.

“Ky-bear, does that mean you’re staying?” her dad asked.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to get my own place again for a while yet, so is it okay if I stay here at home a while longer?”

“As long as you keep walking Captain,” Dad said, and Mom swatted his arm.

“Of course, sweetheart,” her mother said. “You’re welcome to stay as long as you need.”

“Within reason,” her father added, earning him another swat from her mom. He winked at Kylie.

She sat down. “I’m sorry I’m backing out of your job offer, Brad.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m sure I can fill the job. Plus, this job sounds like a much better fit for you.”

“I think so too.” She hugged her family one more time before going back upstairs to get dressed for the busy day ahead.

The bubble of dread that had been following her for the past few weeks dissipated. She just had to figure out how to talk to Derek about it. Would he want to be together now that she was staying? Or was her leaving just an excuse to keep it casual?

~ * ~

Derek hadn’t seen Kylie yet that day, although that didn’t stop him from thinking about her. He had to work a full shift but was too antsy over the next day’s fair to work on paperwork in the office, so he hit the road for traffic duty to keep himself moving. The sunshine bolstered his spirits, and the weather forecast was good for the next day as well.

After spending the morning on the road, he checked in at the café after lunch to see if Kylie had a minute. He could come up with some excuse of last-minute fair planning, though they were already going to meet up at the football field that evening to supervise the delivery of the stage and port-a-potties. After their conversation the day before, he was eager to see her again

“You just missed her,” Sandy said the moment he stepped inside the door at the café. “I sent her on a delivery run to Meadowbrook, and given how much she lets those customers talk her ears off, she could be gone for a while.”

“Derek!” a voice boomed from one of the tables.

He turned to see Brad, Kylie’s older brother, his wheelchair tucked in to a table with a laptop open and a coffee mug.

“Brad?” Derek approached him. “Hey man.”

He extended his hand to shake Brad’s. His last year of high school was Derek’s first, but it was a small enough high school that seniors and freshman knew each other.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Taking a break from the office,” Brad said then waved at his laptop. “Although I guess not taking a break from the work.”

“Kylie mentioned you were in Japan?” Derek asked.

“I flew back a couple of days ago,” Brad said. “She told me about the fair you’ve both been planning, and I thought it would be nice to be here for it and visit the folks.”

“Yeah, it should be a good day tomorrow.”

“Oh hey, did Kylie tell you about the job offer?”

Derek’s heart sank. It made sense that Brad would come home to offer her the job with his firm. He knew it was coming, but for some reason he’d believed they still had more time. “She did.” He tried to keep his expression neutral.

“She’s so excited. It’s going to be such a great opportunity for her.”