It was a simple question that Kylie had been asking herself since it happened, but she still didn’t have a reasonable answer.

“Because I’m a terrible, selfish person,” she said.

“I think if you were a truly selfish person, you wouldn’t be sitting here calling yourself terrible and selfish.”

“I have no right to expect anything from him.”

“You’re right there.”

“I … I just wanted to,” Kylie admitted. “He’s still gorgeous and amazing. Yes, I know it’s not fair if I’m leaving, but being around him makes me wonder what could be, you know?”

“I have news for you, Miss Big City Know It All.” Audrey reached across the table and put a hand on Kylie’s arm. “Derek’s a grown up. If he hadn’t wanted to kiss you, he wouldn’t have. You could always ask him.”

The thought of putting herself out there made Kylie light-headed. Despite them clearing up their prom miscommunication, Derek might still pop out and yell, “Just kidding!”

Audrey seemed to think enough had been said on the topic when she stood up. “Anyway, I came over here to tell you that Steph and Jillene and me are driving into Hampton to go to the movies tonight. You’re coming too. I’ll pick you up at seven.” Kylie still wilted in her chair. “Also, the people sitting behind you have been trying to get your attention for the past five minutes. You should probably see what they want.”

~ * ~

Derek went in for a layup, but Nick blocked him. He wasn’t tall, but man he could jump. Adam grabbed the ball and dribbled. Derek and Nick darted to defend him, but Adam deked left then stepped right and shot. The ball circled the rim and went in.

“That’s what I said!” he hollered in the empty high school gymnasium.

They’d been playing for an hour and Derek was sweaty, but he wasn’t going to be the one to suggest a break first.

He suspected Nick and Adam felt the same. Their friendly competition would keep them all pressing onward until their bodies gave out.

“So, Nick,” Derek said, taking a pass from Adam and walking it out of the three-point line. “Are you ready to be a dad yet?”

Derek drove into the net and took a shot, blocked by Adam this time, who passed to Nick.

He took the ball back out of the line. “I’m excited for the baby to come but I don’t feel ready to be a parent. It’s a lot, you know?”

He faked a shot then moved in for a layup. He was so fast, Derek couldn’t get to him in time.

“I don’t know if anyone ever feels ready to parent.” He bent over his knees to catch his breath.

“Aren’t there books for that?” Adam asked. “Did you read any books?”

“There are so many books.” Nick tossed the ball to Adam who took it outside the line. “Jillene’s bought most of them. I’ve read a bunch, but babies are so tiny and helpless, I hope I don’t break it somehow.”

Derek laughed. “You won’t break it.”

He remembered being at the hospital with Cate, waiting for Charlie to arrive. Even though he was only an uncle, he’d been there from day one helping his little sister care for the kid. “You’ll figure it out. At first all they need is food, sleep, and clean diapers.”

“And widdle bitty snuggles.” Adam picked up the basketball and nuzzled it like he was snuggling a baby.

He dribbled the ball and tried to fake again, but this time Nick was ready for him and knocked the ball out of his hands.

“Look man,” Derek said, “Jillene will be doing most of the work with the baby at first so your main job it to take care of her. Make sure she eats and sleeps and has a chance to shower regularly.”

“All right, you hosers.” Nick took the ball to the three-point line. “Derek if I need back up, I’m calling you.”

“You got it man.”

Nick jumped and shot the ball for a perfect swish.

After another twenty minutes, Derek and his friends sat against the gym wall panting and drinking from water bottles.