“When do we get to ask Derek about Kylie?” Nick asked Adam.

“I was hoping he’d bring it up himself, but I guess we’re going to have to pry the information out of him.”

Nick took another drink from his water bottle. “I mean he did show up to my house all disheveled last night.”

“Maybe he was wrestling a bear.”

“Good point.” He scratched his chin. “I suppose he could’ve been fighting bandits on a runaway train.”

“Or he got attacked by a swan.”

“Swans are vicious, yo.”

Derek slugged both his friends in the arms. “All right. Stop. I offered to escort Kylie to the party after the sale last night, and on the way we…”

Adam put his hand to his mouth, his eyes wide in mock shock. “Why Derek Carson, have you been out cavorting with Miss Kylie Martin?”

“Yes. We kissed. A lot. End of story.”

“That is most certainly not ‘end of story’,” Adam said. “What’s going on with you two?”

“Honestly, I don’t know.” Derek sighed. “I really like her, and I think she feels the same. But what does it even mean? She’s going back to the city at some point.”

“What if she doesn’t?” Nick asked.

Derek imagined for a moment how things would be different if Kylie weren’t planning on leaving. Would he be all in? He hadn’t felt that way about anyone since…well, since high school when he first liked Kylie. He pushed the thought aside.

“It doesn’t matter, because she is.” He stood.

Adam and Nick followed suit, and they gathered their things to get out of the gym.

Walking down the high school hallway, Adam said, “I guess a fling wouldn’t be so bad though?”

Nick snorted. “Dude, Derek isn’t really a fling kinda guy.”

They passed the spot where Kylie’s locker used to be. Derek remembered the day he’d tried to ask her to prom, and he couldn’t believe they missed out on being together because she thought he was pranking her.

Was he interested in her now because he was holding on to Kylie then? Was he trying to relive those high school days with her? Or was this something grown up and real?