Chapter Fifteen

Kylie asked Audrey to come over the next evening to help her with something. Audrey had shown up under the condition that when she was done helping, they could eat snacks and watch a movie. It wasn’t a difficult negotiation.

When she walked into Kylie’s room, she said, “Whoa. It’s pretty sparse in here.”

“I know. I took down everything from high school, but I don’t really have anything to decorate with. Maybe I should put my Britney Spears poster back on the wall.”

“Definitely. She’s a queen.” Audrey nodded and sat on the bed. “So, what am I helping you with?”

Kylie stood beside the over-stuffed closet in the corner of her room and opened the door. The duffle bags had been piled up to her shoulders and from there on up it was a mess of loose clothes, bags, and shoes. She yanked the handle of a duffle in the middle, and the entire column came spilling out into her room.

“Uh…” Audrey’s eyebrows went up. “Did you ask me here to do laundry? Because this is not really my idea of a fun night.”

“I need your help sorting this stuff to sell.”

“You’re that hard up for cash?” Audrey asked, picking up a Chanel purse and a pair of Gap jeans. “This is nice stuff.”

“Yeah, it really is.” She gazed at the pile wistfully.

“I don’t understand. You don’t like it anymore?”

“I bought all this stuff trying to keep up with my friends,” Kylie said. “Which is also how I lost my job. This stuff reminds me of my failure.”

“Oh my!” Audrey said, holding up a cardigan. “Is this Alexander McQueen?”

“I got that secondhand like most of this stuff, but it still cost an arm and a leg.”

“Are you selling it on eBay?” Audrey rifled through the humongous pile of clothing and accessories. “Ooh! I might buy this Burberry scarf off you! Burberry makes me feel so sophisticated.”

“I was hoping to hold a sale here, locally. Sandy said I could set up in the café after hours. If I slashed prices, do you think people around here would buy these?”

“We may be small-town,” Audrey examined a Michael Kors bag, “but we still have taste. For sure, people around here would like this stuff. Toronto is too far away for just a shopping trip. It’s like bringing the fancy stores to Camden.”

“Oh! That’s a good theme. I was thinking of having the sale Friday night and maybe serving refreshments.”

“I love everything about this idea,” Audrey said. “As long as I get first dibs. What do you need me for?”

“Well, I’m worried my sense of how much stuff is worth has been warped by years of shopping in the city. I need your help sorting things and deciding how much to price it all for.”

“Is this going to be like your nest egg or something?”

“No.” Kylie bit her lip. “I’m hoping to raise the money to run the fair to help D—the town.”

“Oh yeah, I heard about the town council meeting with Derek.” Audrey waggled her brows at Kylie.

“It’s not like that.” She narrowed her eyes.

“Oh yeah? Then what is it like?” Audrey grinned conspiratorially.

“My brother might have a job for me at his company,” Kylie said.

“That’s great!”

“Yeah, thanks. But because of how and why I lost my job, he needs me to prove I’m responsible and can put the needs of the company ahead of myself.”

“Okay. That makes sense.” Audrey nodded. “Kylie?”

“Yeah?” she said, digging through the first duffle bag and dumping the contents onto the floor.