His heart beat faster. “So, you’re telling me we could’ve gone to prom together?”

“I guess we missed our shot.” She winced.

All these years he’d thought she was a snob, she thought he’d been making fun of her. That’s why she ignored him the rest of the year. To her, he was a total jerk.

“Well that just won’t do.” He took the last step toward her and offered his hand. “Kylie Martin, will you do me the honour of a dance?”

“What?” She snickered.

“No Adam or Nick here to make you think I’m not sincere.” He was challenging her, and she tipped her chin up.

“All right then.” She took his hand.

Sparks wound up his arm straight into his chest as he put his other hand on her waist.

They started swaying together and he was sure the sound of his heart pounding was echoing throughout the hall.

“This would probably be better with music,” she said.

“Shall we imagine some? Maybe a power ballad?”

She made a face. “How about some Celine Dion?”


They fell into silence while they spun in slow circles. He started humming.

It was a tune from one of Charlie’s Kids Bop CDs, but it was the only thing he could think of.

Kylie gazed into his eyes. “This would’ve been really nice at prom.”

“It’s really nice now.” Derek took a risk and drew her closer. He held his breath as if she might pull away, but she pressed into him, trembling, and turned her cheek to his chest.

They danced, locked in an embrace for many more minutes before she finally let go of him.

“It’s getting late,” she said. “We should probably go.”

Cold air rushed in to where her body had just been. He didn’t want to say goodnight yet. Which was probably exactly why he should. He nodded, and they exited the building, Derek locking the door behind them.

“Thanks for the dance,” Kylie said, then she leaned in and placed the softest kiss on his cheek. “Good night, Derek.” She jogged toward her parents’ house.

“Good night,” he said.

Then he turned the opposite direction and floated toward his own house. His racing heart sent electricity right through him. He’d likely regret what happened by tomorrow, but for tonight, he let himself enjoy the moment and not worry about the future.