“Really? I figured only Carrie would dress so outrageously for a garage party.” He stood up, his disdain for her clear.

Her knees shaking, she rose out of her seat to meet him.

If she wasn’t so hot under the collar, she might find his intimate knowledge ofSex and the Cityfunny. “At least I have some style. You smell like a barn.”

They were almost nose-to-nose now, and he didn’t have a reply to that.

But Audrey did. “Actually, that’s probably me.”

Kylie bit her tongue and shot anI’m so sorrylook at Audrey who was frowning.

“You really do think you’re better than everyone here, huh?” Derek loved to criticize her, didn’t he? “You should probably go back to the city, before you get anymore country on you.”

Kylie was out of place and alone. Now, she’d insulted her closest friend in the room, and Derek was calling her out in front of everyone. She wanted to keep getting angry, but her breath hitched as her chest caved in.

Instead, she grabbed her jacket then made for the door. “I’m sorry everyone. Enjoy your evening.” She hoped her voice sounded steady as she left the house.

On the sidewalk out front, she stopped and wrapped her arms around herself. Although she fought the tears, they still rolled down her cheeks. The front door opened and closed, and she couldn’t face whoever it was. Derek come to make sure she was leaving?

But it was Audrey who called out to her. “Wait a minute, Kylie.”

Kylie stopped, took a deep breath, and turned. “I’m so sorry Audrey. I didn’t mean to insult you.”

“You didn’t. I had to feed the horses right before I came, so yeah, I kind of smell like barn.”

“No, you smell fine. I was an ass.”

“Well, yes, you were an ass. But Derek was being a bigger ass.”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come.”

“Why not? We were having a perfectly nice time until he decided to revert to his teenaged self. Not even that. I’ve never seen him be so rude.”

“I guess I bring it out in him.” Kylie stared at her ridiculous boots.

“I don’t know what’s going on between you two, but do you want to come back in?”

She shuffled her feet. “I’m too embarrassed, and I’d rather not be glared at all night. I don’t know why he suddenly hates me so much. He caught me speeding. That was it.”

“He’s pretty protective of the town, but that doesn’t excuse his behaviour. We’ll hang out again though, okay?”

“I’d really like that.” And Kylie meant it. She’d been so down on herself in the past week it was nice to catch up with old friends and relax.

“But I of course will be rolling around in a horse stall first, so I smell extra nice for you.” Audrey teasingly batted her eyelashes.

Kylie cringed. “I’m so sorry.”

“Then I’ll give you a great big hug, so we can both bask in the barn smell together.”

“Yup. I definitely deserve that.”

“Get home safe. I’m going to head back in and kick Derek in the shins,” Audrey said.

Kylie turned back for home, feeling a tiny bit lighter. Not much, but some.