Chapter Ten

Derek had arranged to meet with Kylie the next day. She had asked for a few days to make some phone calls, and they were meant to meet at the café that morning. His stomach roiled thinking about how completely immature he’d been the night before.

He was off duty and found himself unsure of how to dress. Normally he would have just thrown on jeans, whatever plain T-shirt was at the front of the drawer, and a long sleeve plaid shirt over top. When he checked his outfit in the mirror, everything looked so country.

It wasn’t like he was going to show up in a three-piece suit, but he didn’t want to feel like a bumpkin talking with her. Everyone else in their group of conspirators was either working or had family obligations, so it was only going to be the two of them. Plus, he should probably try to make a good impression and start over. In the end, he went with jeans and a tee, but threw on a navy blue knit sweater over top.

“Whoa,” Cate said when he came down the stairs to find her and Charlie sitting at the kitchen table. “Why are you so dressed up?”

“Meeting,” Derek mumbled and stalked over to the coffee maker.

“Uh huh.” Her eyebrow rose.

With his coffee, he sat down beside Charlie and picked up one of the crayons in front of him to help the boy with his Spiderman picture.

“What are you two up to today?” Derek asked.

“I promised Charlie we could go back to the bookstore so he could see that dinosaur book again.” She took a sip of her coffee.

“Oh, really?” Derek tried to hide the nervousness in his voice. “What time do you think you’ll go there?”

She gave him side eye. “I’m not sure. Are you wearing that sweater because you’re meeting with Kylie?”

“No. It’s a meeting, and I thought I should be more professional.”

“Last time you wore that sweater was for a date.”

“It’s not like that. I don’t care what I look like for her sake. I even got into a fight with her last night because she was being stuck up to people at Nick’s. She insulted Audrey in front of everyone.”

“Do you mean the fightyoustarted? Oh yeah. Jillene texted me.”

“What did Jillene tell you?”

“She mentioned how she was having a perfectly nice chat with Kylie until you yelled at her aboutSex and the City. What’s that about?”

He avoided the question and rubbed a hand through his hair. “Do you still need me back at four to stay with Charlie?”

“Yes, please.” She stood and cleared her cereal bowl from the table. “Maybe a few minutes early so I can get to work on time.”

“Sure thing.” He downed his coffee and put his empty cup in the sink. Sneaking a slice of toast with peanut butter from Charlie’s plate, he kissed the top of the boy’s head.

“I’m out,” Derek said, slipping on his shoes at the back door. “I’ll see you guys later.”

“Derek?” She smirked.

“Yeah?” He stopped in the doorway.

“You have toothpaste on your face.”

~ * ~

The trip to the café was short. Derek’s house was only two and a half blocks away, so he didn’t have much time to prepare for sitting alone with Kylie and talking. At least they had a project to focus on. It was also a good idea they were meeting in public; with townspeople around he would be less likely to lose his cool again. He could keep it business-like for the duration of this meeting.

When he arrived, she was already there, set up at a table. He had been worried she might not show up. He wouldn’t have blamed her after how he behaved at the party. She had her laptop open, a file folder on one side and a large white ceramic mug of coffee on the other. She was wearing jeans with deliberately placed holes in the knees and fitted pink T-shirt with a large sequined shawl draped over her shoulders.

The café itself was busy. All the tables were occupied, and there was a short line for drinks at the counter. Sandy wasn’t rushing, and no one in line seemed to mind. It was Saturday after all. Derek got in line for a coffee, prolonging the time until he had to sit with Kylie. When he went to join her, it took her a minute of furious typing before she acknowledged him. He was lucky she was there at all, so he didn’t interrupt her.

“Hi.” She flashed him a tight smile. “Sorry about that. I wanted to get all my thoughts typed out before I got distracted.”