Am I imagining he’s here? I blink. Nope, still there. And even more sexy-licious than I remembered. Being dressed up smart in tailored blue pants and a pristine white shirt suits him. Way too much.

“Hey, my favorite florist. How’s business?” he asks, approaching me. My stomach does a little flip-flop of delight at hearing him speak.

“Oh, a bit slow, but moving in the right direction, I guess.”

“And how are you, Dani?”

“Good. You?”

“All the better for seeing you.”

His eyes seem to devour me. And I want to be eaten.

I clear my throat. “That’s sweet of you. So, what can I do for you today, Mr. Mountjoy?”


“Neal,” I echo.

He comes closer and digs his hands into his pockets. “Actually, I don’t want any flowers today. I’m here to invite you out tonight—for dinner. Are you free?”

“You want to take me on a dinner date?” I gasp shrilly, thrilled to pieces.

He raises a brow slightly. “Yes.”

“Right,” I whisper, trying to pull myself together. “I accept your invitation.”

“D’you like French cuisine?”

I shake my head. “Can’t say I’ve ever had the pleasure.” Fine dining has always been well beyond my price range. Going out for BK is a big treat to me.

“You’ll love it.”

“I’m sure I will.”

“D’you have any food allergies?”


“Vegan, veggie? Raw foodie? Anything else I need to know?” he chuckles.


“Cool,” he grins. “Be ready for a six thirty pick up.”

“Sure.”Nothingwill stop me being ready for a date with this man. “What’s the dress code?”

He looks me up and down, his eyes shamelessly resting on my boobs. A hot blush spreads over my neck and chest.Damn.This blushing is so embarrassing. “Something sexy? Short.”

“Oh, ha ha,” I squeak, blushing even more furiously. Excitement floods my entire body, pooling in my core. “I’ll need to think on that. My wardrobe is a bit, err,limitedin that respect.”

“I’m joking. Wear what you like. Whatever you feel most comfortable in.”

Comfortable?No.No way am I showing up into a hot dinner date in jeans and sweats. Luckily I have a friend who lives and breathes sexy, swanky outfits.

Thank you in advance,Shaye.

“So, what’s your address?”