“I live here, up there.” I point upwards.

“How convenient.”

The space between us is thick with our chemistry, and the sexual attraction sizzles. I can almost taste it in the air.

Neal reaches out and runs a finger down my bare arm, tracing my tattooed life quote, and his touch is electric.

“Nice,” he murmurs. “Got any more?”

“No, just this one.”

I shiver with pure delight.

He takes a deep breath.

“I’ll let you get on.”

“Not much to do until I get a customer. Are you on the way somewhere?” I ask. I wonder if he’d like to stay awhile and meet my brother. Hopefully, he won’t be back too soon, though, as I’d like Neal all to myself for a little while longer.

“’Fraid so. I’ve a meeting in—” He glances at my statement clock, “Ten minutes. Better get going. Busy day ahead,” he grins and winks.

“You could have arranged our date on the phone. You didn’t need to put yourself out.”

“I wanted to see you. Besides, my business is in the area.”

“Right. And what kind of business is that?”

“Nothing particularly interesting,” he says with a forced smile.

“I’d really like to know. Give me a clue, at least.”

“Not now.”

Why can’t he tell me now? What harm would it do? I snort a laugh. “I see. Are you a spy on a covert mission? Scoping something out?”

He isn’t amused by my joke. Maybe he really is a spy? “Let’s talk business later, okay?”

I don’t want totalk business, I just want to know what kind of business he does. “One-word answer. Insurance? Banking? Law? Retail?”

“Another. Time.” His tone is cool and final.

“Okay then,” I concede. There’s something I don’t quite understand. The way Neal has avoided the subject has made a knot form in my belly. Why so secretive? What’s he hiding? Gran always used to say,if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. In this instance, thesomethingcould be someone.

“Really gotta go, beautiful.”


A bewitching smile dawns on his handsome face. Okay, prior awkward conversationcompletelydismissed.

“Shame,” I murmur. “I’d like you to meet my brother. He’ll be here soon.”

“No time today.” Hands on my waist, he draws me close and his eyes fasten on my mouth.

My God, is he going to kiss me?I’m breathless, flushing with heat, my heart beating out of my chest as he feathers a kiss at the corner of my mouth. His nose brushes my cheekbone, and I sigh with pleasure, feeling the warmth of his breath whisper across my jaw. I’m hyper-aware of him. The impressive height, the muscular hardness, the whole masculine bundle of goodies pressed against me.

He rubs his nose back and forth and breathes into my ear. “You smell good.”

My legs are now close to collapse. I grip the waistband of his pants, feeling the warmth of his body beneath the fine fabric of his shirt. I take a deep lungful of him. He smells expensive and utterly intoxicating. “So do you,” I murmur.