Page 52 of Breaking My Silence




“So,got any big plans for Thanksgiving tomorrow?” Braden asked me as we walked into school for our half-day.

“Izzie’s bringing her girlfriend, Hillary, home from school. They get in tonight. We’re just hanging out at home. Ky’s coming over too, once her mom goes to work.”

“Speaking of Ky, how’s she doing? She change her mind about talking to someone about all of this?”

I sighed. Things had been quiet for the past few weeks. Almost too quiet. Nothing had happened since that day Max had cornered Kyler here at school. It felt like something big was about to happen and he was just waiting. For what, I didn’t know. Maybe for football season to be over? We had our state championship game this Saturday, two days after Thanksgiving, so maybe he thought he’d have free reign to do what he wanted without consequence after that?

“She’s okay, I guess. She’s scared. I am too. I don’t know what the hell kind of game Max is playing, you know?”

“I can’t stop wondering if the other two know about him threatening her a few weeks ago,” he mused. “I mean, Harrison’s a prick, but I don’t think he actually has the stomach to hurt anyone. And Yates is just basically Taylor’s yes man. Taylor says jump, he asks how high.”

“If you knew the specifics of what happened, you wouldn’t be saying that about Drew,” I sighed. “If he didn’t have the stomach for violence, he would have run away screaming that night. It’s not my place to give you details because she didn’t feel comfortable sharing them with you, but trust me. What the three of them did to her…I don’t know how she’s not in a mental hospital, B. She’s the strongest person I know.”

“Man, you arewhipped,” he laughed. “But it’s a good look on you. Do you know what you’re getting her for Christmas yet?”

“I’ve got a couple of ideas. I was actually going to talk to Izzie about it while she’s here. Since, you know, she’s a girl and all,” I chuckled. “I’m a little out of my depth here.”

“Out of your depth with what?” my favorite voice in the world said from behind me.

I chuckled and turned around, pulling Kyler into a hug and kissing the top of her head.

“That’s for me to know and you to find out,” I teased. “Why aren’t you in Ms. Upton’s room?”

“NHS is giving us a break this morning. No tutoring,” she explained. “Um, I actually have something I want to show you. I was going to just surprise you, but then I decided I couldn’t wait.”


She unzipped her purse and rifled through it for a minute before producing a piece of paper and handing it to me. I looked; it was a ticket to our state championship football game in Emporia. Other than homecoming, when I’d kind of backed her into a corner, she hadn’t come to a single one of our games this year. Not that I blamed her. I wouldn’t have wanted to sit there listening to everyone sing the praises of three people who had assaulted me either.

“You’re coming to the championship game?”

“Yep. Bought a hoodie and everything. I figured it was my last chance to get to see you in action. Plus, my mom’s working, so I’d just be sitting at home alone anyway.”

I chuckled and picked her up to kiss her. She wound her legs around my waist and giggled into my mouth, making me smile against her lips. I had no idea how it was possible for me to feel so much for this girl, especially in just two months, but I wouldn’t have traded the feeling for anything in the world.

“I love you,” I said, my lips still touching hers.

That earned me another kiss that was just as heated as the first one.

Braden groaned. “You do realize I’m still standing here, right? Get a room.”

Kyler chuckled and broke the kiss to look at him. “Hey, you only said not when you’re eating. I don’t see any food in the vicinity.”

“Need some ice for that burn, B?” I laughed, claiming her lips again.

“Come up for air, you two,” I heard some annoyed voice say.

I assumed it was a teacher, so I reluctantly set Kyler back down, but stole another kiss. Braden made a gagging sound and acted like he was going to throw up, which made her laugh.

“We need to find him a girlfriend,” she giggled. “Maybe then he’ll stop giving us such a hard time.”

“Doubtful,” I chuckled, kissing her nose.