Page 51 of Breaking My Silence

“You couldn’t have known, man,” Ian said, squeezing me tight and kissing my shoulder. “They’re dicks, but I never would have guessed they were capable of this until Ky told me what they did to her.”

“I say we talk to our offense. Maybe Olathe North’s offense too. Let them get through a few times at the game on Friday and rough the dickwads up. A little street justice,” Braden muttered. “I don’t give a shit if they want to fuck every girl on campus, but a girl says no, you fucking stop. End of story.”

“You can’t,” I said, my voice breaking. “What Max did to me this morning, cornering me like that with a knife at school…that tells me he’s getting desperate.”

“Because of me,” Ian sighed.

“Stop, Ian,” I insisted, putting my hand on his face so he’d look at me. “When we talked on Saturday, you told me that it didn’t matter how much I had to drink, it still wasn’t my fault. Remember?”

He nodded. “But I should have just kept my fucking mouth shut. You told me in confidence, and what did I do? I antagonized one of the guys who hurt you.”

“Tucker made the choice to tell Max what happened at the Chiefs game, and Max made the choice to do what he did. That’s not on you. You were trying to help me. But you and Bradencan’tdo anything else about this. Not like that. It’s not safe. This isn’t about hurting me anymore. This is about self-preservation. If they feel cornered, they’ll attack.”

“We can’t just let them get away with this, Ky,” Braden insisted.

Tears streamed down my face as I looked him right in the eyes. “Don’t you get it, Braden? They already have.”