Page 73 of Breaking My Silence



It feltlike the second half of the game took forever after Coach Jefferson put Ian in as quarterback.

All I wanted in the whole world was to see Ian and touch him and know that he was okay. I couldn’t have cared less about the game. Seeing him lying on the field, unmoving, after Max charged him and shoved him down had scared me half to death.

But, on a positive note, Ian did win the game for them by two touchdowns and a field goal. I was so proud of him. He’d told me before that he’d only played in that position one other time, but he’d risen up to the challenge and nailed it.

After the game, the players had to hit the showers, so after saying goodbye to Melissa and Eric, I went with Ian’s family to wait for him. It felt like I’d aged a decade when Ian finally walked out of the building.

With my nerves already shot for the night, I was past caring if his family saw a little PDA. I ran up to him and threw myself into his arms, remembering too late that he’d gotten tackled by his own teammates a few different times tonight. He groaned a little bit, but he didn’t let go of me. In fact, he lifted me off the ground and buried his head in my neck as I wound my legs around his waist.

Neither of us said anything for several long beats. He just stood there holding me while I clung to him like a koala.

“Ian!” I heard his dad call.

“Give them a minute, Dad,” Izzie said. “We were all freaked out, and that includes Ky.”

“Young love,” Maya chuckled.

“You’re okay,” I mumbled into his shoulder, finally finding my voice.

“I’m okay, baby,” he breathed, kissing the side of my head. “I promise. I hope you weren’t too attached to the idea of having kids one day, though. I think Max might have ruined those chances for us.”

I chuckled weakly. Leave it to him to try to find a joke somewhere in this.

“You see us lasting that long?”

“Ky, look at me,” he said softly with another kiss to the side of my head.

I obeyed and was rewarded with a real kiss.

“I see us lasting until my dying breath,” he whispered. “You’re the end of the line for me. I’m not giving you up without a fight. Ever.”

I kissed him again; he let out a soft moan as our tongues met. I tightened my arms around his neck, and he squeezed me tighter as our lips moved to a rhythm only we knew.

God, I needed some alone time with him. Soon. Time where I wouldn’t have to stop kissing him because his family was watching. Time where I could do more than just kiss him.

After being afraid that he’d end up in the hospital tonight, it made what Melissa said earlier hit home that much more. Ian loved me and I loved him, and that was the only thing that mattered. Sure, I was still nervous about our physical relationship going further, but I wasn’t scared of it anymore. I didn’t have any reason to be. What scared me wasnotbeing with him.

“I love you,” I sniffled, unable to stop a couple of tears from falling.

Ian set me down and wiped my cheeks with his thumbs before giving me yet another kiss.

“Te quiero, Ky,” he murmured against my lips. “Por siempre.”I love you, Ky. Forever.

I sighed and wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my head on his chest. He kissed my hair and then rested his chin on my head.

“Thanks for that, Iz,” he chuckled weakly.

“You gave us all a good scare, bro. You okay?” she asked.

“I’m going to be feeling it tomorrow, but I’m okay,” he assured her.

“Are you up for a celebratory dinner, or do you just want to head back?” Gary asked.

“Ky?” Ian pulled back just far enough to look at me.