Page 74 of Breaking My Silence

“What are you looking at me for? You’re the man of the hour,” I chuckled weakly, smiling at him. “I’m really proud of you, by the way. You kicked ass out there.”

“It was all for you, baby,” he said with an answering smile and a peck on my lips. “I seem to remember promising I’d win for you.”

I snorted. “Wonder what Coach Jefferson would have to say about that?”

“He’s just glad we won after two of the Three Stooges decided to act like imbeciles,” he muttered. “But anyway, I’m starving. Let’s go eat.”

* * *

It was almost midnight by the time we got back to Olathe. When Gary pulled the van into my driveway, Ian walked me to my front door and kissed me goodnight.

“I need some time alone with you,” he sighed. “You have any plans tomorrow?”

I shook my head. “Mom’s working. Again. I swear, she’s going to end up just passing out from exhaustion at some point.”

“You, me, Cosette, and a movie marathon?”

“Trying to continue my comic book movie education?” I chuckled.

“You complaining?”

“Not if it means spending time with you. You scared me half to death today,” I mumbled.

“Hey,” he said, putting a hand on my face and making me look at him. “I’m right here. It’s going to take a lot more than an illegal tackle and getting kneed in the balls to take me down.”

I chuckled weakly. “From where I was sitting, it looked like three illegal tackles and the murder of our future children.”

He smiled. “Still. I’ll be sore for a few days, but I’m not going anywhere. Get some sleep, baby. I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you.”

I stood on my toes, kissing him again. I hated having to say goodbye to him tonight even more than usual. He pulled me close, holding me so tight that I almost couldn’t breathe as our mouths connected in a heated exchange. He didn’t seem to care that his family was watching or that my mom could open the door at any second. All he seemed concerned about was pouring as much love and tenderness into this connection as he could. My eyes stung with tears, and I never wanted to end it. But eventually my need to breathe overrode my need for his mouth to stay connected to mine and I broke away, panting.

“I needed that,” he sighed. “You own me, Ky. You know that?”

“You own me too. Every part of me. Te quiero, Ian. Por siempre.”

“Forever’s not long enough to spend with someone as amazing as you,” he murmured, brushing my lips again.

That did it. A couple of the tears that had welled up during that intense kiss spilled over.

“You can’t say stuff like that to me after the day I’ve had,” I sniffled, smiling.

He chuckled as he wiped the moisture off of my cheeks. “Not even if it’s true?”

“Not unless you want the waterworks to get worse,” I chuckled.

He smiled and gave me one more kiss. “I’ll text you when I wake up tomorrow and let you know what time I’ll be here.”

I nodded. “Okay. Go take some painkillers and try to get some rest.”

“You know, someday we won’t have to say goodbye anymore. Just goodnight. And I can’t wait for that day,” he said, kissing my forehead.

Then he turned around and headed back to the van, and I walked into the house. My mom was sitting there watching reruns ofSVU.

Crap. I’d been hoping she would already be in bed and trying to rest for her shift tomorrow. I didn’t have the energy to fight with her after everything I’d been through tonight. And lately it seemed like fighting was all we did.

“Hey, Mom,” I sighed.

“Hi,” she said as I shut the door. “How was the game?”