Page 63 of Breaking My Silence

“Um, I know how to tell Ky I love her. Or ask where the bathroom is,” I chuckled.

“And he knows how to tell someone to buy shoes.” Kyler snorted. “Though I’m not exactly sure what the practical application of that sentence would be.”

“I mean, if I was going to work at a shoe store, I guess it would help,” I said with a shrug.

“You also asked me to homecoming in Spanish,” she reminded me. “Well, the second time you asked me. The first time was in English. Then you begged in Spanish.”

Izzie groaned. “He really pulled the harping on you after you said no move?”

My jaw clenched, and it was all I could do not to read my sister the riot act. She didn’t know me nearly as well as I thought she did if she thought I’d harass a girl who had turned me down. The only thing stopping me was the fact that I knew she had no idea how close to home the “no means no” issue hit for Kyler, and I didn’t entirely trust myself not to accidentally say something about it.

“No, it wasn’t like that,” Kyler said quickly. “I didn’t say no. I asked if he was sure he wanted me as his date. He said he was, and that was when the begging in Spanish came in.”

“Oh, my God. That’s adorable,” Hillary gushed.

“Yeah, it kind of was,” she murmured, turning bright pink. “Which is why I said yes.”

“Thank God for that,” I said, turning her head for a kiss.

* * *

We got to Emporia half an hour early, so thankfully I didn’t have to rush inside. I hopped out of the van, and Kyler followed with my gear and my letterman jacket, which I’d brought for her to wear.

“Do I get a kiss for luck?” I teased as I took my gym bag from her.

“Maybe,” she chuckled.

I put the jacket around her shoulders and stole one anyway. “That’s a lot warmer than your fifteen-dollar hoodie. And it has my name on it.”

“Gonna ask me to wear your class ring too?” she laughed as she slid her arms through the sleeves.

Oh, my God. That jacket washugeon her. Like, no joke, she was swimming in it. This was seriously one of the most adorable things I’d ever seen.

“If I thought it would fit on your tiny finger, I would,” I chuckled, pulling my phone out. “I need a picture of this. That thing’s gigantic on you.”

She giggled and smiled so I could take the picture, which I immediately saved as my home screen picture.

“Ian, give me your phone. I’ll get one of both of you,” Hillary said.

“Sweet. Thanks, Hill,” I said with a smile, handing it to her.

I wrapped my arms around Kyler’s shoulders and kissed her head before smiling for the picture.

“Kiss her head again. That was adorable,” Hillary instructed after taking the first picture.

As if I needed to be told that twice. I obeyed, and after Hillary took the picture, Kyler turned her head for a real kiss. I heard the camera click again.

Score! Profile picture material.

I took my phone back from Hillary and slid it into my pocket, and Kyler turned around to face me again, wrapping her arms around my neck.

“Go kick ass,” she said, giving me another kiss.

“First touchdown’s for you,” I told her.

“How about winning the game for me instead?” She smirked.

“I’ll see what I can do,” I chuckled, stealing one more kiss for the road. “I’ve got to get in there. I’ll see you after the game. Te quiero, bebé.”