Page 64 of Breaking My Silence

“Te quiero también,” she said with a smile. “Text those pictures to me, please.”

“I will,” I promised.

Was it normal to feel like I was taking my heart out of my chest and leaving it with her as I walked away? Because that was exactly what it felt like.

Maybe that was why I didn’t notice the two guys following me inside. As soon as I was out of view of the parking lot, I was whipped around and pinned against a row of lockers by Max and Tucker.

“Well, if it isn’t Larry and Moe. Looks like you’re missing a Stooge. Where’s Curly?” I gave them a smirk, trying to show them that I wasn’t backing down.

“It’s cute that you think branding Ky will protect her,” Max jeered, getting right up in my face. “But you forget, after today, we don’t have to pretend we like you anymore. Thank God for that, because I can’t fucking stand the sight of you.”

“The feeling’s mutual,” I bit out. “But you’d be idiots to hurt me now, before the game. Coach will know it was you.”

“Right. And it’ll be your word against ours. Nothing’ll happen,” Tucker scoffed.

“You know, Thomason, I thought I made myself clear last year that Ky wasmine,” Max growled. “That means she’soff fucking limitsto scum like you. Maybe you need your memory jogged.”

“She’s a human being, not a fucking possession!” I spat. “She made her own choices. Deal with it.”

The more I heard from these asshats, the more I wanted to rearrange their faces right now, regardless of the consequences. I fucking hated smug rich boys who thought they could get away with anything because their parents had money.

And Ireallyfucking hated smug rich boys who thought they could gang rape the girl I loved and get off scot free. After we were no longer on a football team together, I wasgoingto find a way to bring these fuckers down if it was the last thing I did.

“Oh, but I think you know we claimed her back in sophomore year,” Tucker almost whispered. “Before you even met her. She wassmokinghot. She was almost a perfect ten, but she spits, so that knocked her down to an eight in my book.”

“But she was a screamer,” Max chuckled darkly. “That makes up for the spitting. Fucking hot as hell, the way she begged at the top of her lungs.”

“She was ours first, lover boy. And I can guarantee she’llneverforget it,” Tucker hissed.

I saw red, and I felt like the Hulk, about to explode into a fit of pure rage at any second.

Did these motherfuckers have a death wish? What were they thinking, fucking taunting me about what they’d done to my girlfriend? They had to know that would only add more fuel to my fire.

But I wasn’t stupid. I knew I couldn’t let on that what they’d just said to me meant anything more than the obvious. I couldn’t tell them that I’d seen three of the four cigarette burns and the bite mark on her gorgeous body and had to choke back tears as I kissed them yesterday. I couldn’t let on that I knew her screams were pleas for help that went unanswered. Or that she’d spat what they’d forced down her throat right back out. Not right now. I had to be smart about it. I had to act like none of this meant any more to me than just two guys being absolutely disgusting in their description of a sexual escapade.

“You might have had her first, but I’ll be her last,” I promised. “And if I were you, I’d choose my next words very carefully if you want to keep your faces intact.”

“Oh, my God. You love her,” Tucker chuckled. “That’s…kind of sad, actually. You must have been really fucking desperate to stoop down that low.”

“Kyler’s worth ten of anyone else.” I actually spat in his face. Right in his eye. I couldn’t help being a little proud that my aim was that good. “And if I were you, I’d walk the fuck away right now.”

“Or what?” Max hissed. “What’re you gonna do about it, lover boy?”

He gripped me by the shoulders, pulling me away from the wall just to slam me back into it with enough force to make my head smack against the concrete.

That was the last straw. I shoved him back onto his ass, running on a combination of pure rage and adrenaline. Tucker got behind me, wrapping his arms around my neck in a naked choke, and I bent forward, gearing up to throw him over my head, while Max started to get off the floor.

“Dudes, you’ve got to be fucking idiots, doing this in the goddamn hallway!” I heard Braden exclaim. “You’re lucky I’m not Jefferson.”

Immediately, Max stood up and Tucker released his hold on my throat.

“You’d better watch your back, Thomason,” Max hissed. “We’ve got our eyes on you. And her.”

With parting glares, they walked off, and I turned to my best friend. He walked over to me, but waited until they were out of sight before saying anything.

“What the fuck was that shit? Are you insane? What’s Ky gonna say when she finds out about that?” he whisper-yelled.

“Please tell me my family left after they dropped me off. Tell me they’re not still in the parking lot,” I croaked.