Page 10 of Breaking My Silence

“You’re slowly wearing me down. But not yet,” she teased.

“Think I could wear you down by next week? Come to the homecoming game. My dad and his girlfriend got tickets, but he’s working on a big case, and I don’t think he’ll be able to make it. You and Melissa can both come.”

“Is that code for you bought tickets hoping I’d come?”

Damn it. She was good.

“Guilty,” I admitted sheepishly. “So, will you?”

“I’ll think about it,” she chuckled.

“What about the dance? Do you have a date?”

Please say you don’t,I prayed.

The idea of any other guy putting his hands on her – even just to dance – made my blood boil. Maybe because the thought of someone trying to get into her pants based on the stupid rumors circulating around this school made me sick to my stomach.

Seriously, how couldanyonebuy those rumors about her? Couldn’t they see how painfully shy she was? How she shrank away from anyone who tried to talk to her? How did that somehow translate to her being easy? I just didn’t get it.

“Melissa and I usually go stag,” she sighed. “But she’s going out with Eric Goshen now, and he’s taking her to the dance, so I wasn’t planning on going.”

“Come with me,” I practically begged.

“Don’t you have some cheerleader or volleyball player to take?” she grumbled.

Was that…a hint of jealousy?

No, I couldn’t let myself hope for that. Not yet.

“I haven’t asked any cheerleaders or volleyball players. I’m asking you. ¿Por favor? Ve al baile conmigo.”Please? Go to the dance with me.

She let out a quiet snort. “Trying to butter me up by showing me you’ve been paying attention to your lessons?”

“Maybe,” I chuckled. “Is it working?”

“I don’t know,” she murmured, her voice shaking a little. “I don’t really date.”

Yeah, I could tell that. But God, did I want to be the one to change her mind. Not because I saw it as a challenge, but because I wanted her to go out with me that much.

“It’s just a dance, Ky. I promise I’ll be a perfect gentleman. And if you don’t have a good time, just say the word and I’ll take you back home.”

Before she could answer me, the second bell rang and Mrs. Hernandez started talking about conjugating verbs again. I really did try to pay attention, but it was hard with Kyler sitting right next to me. I was too focused on her. And too preoccupied wondering what she would have said if the bell hadn’t rung when it did.

* * *

A hundred years later, the bell finally rang. I decided not to push Kyler about the dance – or the game – anymore. I’d learned from experience that pushing her just made her shut down. I had to plant the seed and then let it grow by itself. So I just got up and grabbed my backpack.

“See you in Econ, Ky,” I said, heading toward the door.

“See you then,” she said with a small smile.

I started to walk away from her when she spoke again.

“Hey, Ian?” Her voice was warbling again, betraying her nerves.

“Yeah?” I turned back around to face her.
