“Are you fucking serious?”my best friend, Braden, sneered. “You’re askingKyler Strongto homecoming?”

“Yeah, I am,” I said confidently. “I know she’s shy, but the more I get to know her, the more I like her. What’s your problem with that?”

“Nothing. If you’re just looking for some action. She’ll spread ‘em wide for anyone,” he chuckled. “Just don’t expect her to stick around after she gets what she wants from you.”

I gritted my teeth to avoid snapping at him. I knew he was just repeating what he’d heard from pretty much the entire school. But still, it pissed me off to hear anyone talking about Kyler like that. Even from our very first conversation, I could tell those rumors weren’t based on anything that remotely resembled the truth.

The more time I spent with Kyler, the more I found myself looking forward to Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and the few minutes I got to talk to her before our classes together. She wasn’t just gorgeous. She was smart and kind and had a great sense of humor, and to top it off, she was an amazing tutor. She explained things in a way that I could understand them, but she never made me feel stupid.

And, God, her smile. When she smiled, really smiled, it could light up a stadium all by itself. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.

“You can’t believe everything you hear. Especially not at this school. You should know that by now. How many girlfriends have you had according to Max? Fifty?” I chuckled.

“You know he was exaggerating. I’ve only fucked maybe twenty girls,” he laughed.

I rolled my eyes. Braden was a good guy, but even if any of the rumors about Kylerweretrue – which I justknewthey weren’t – he was one to talk. I was pretty sure he’d fucked his way through the entire JVandvarsity cheerleading squads. But at least he let the girls he slept with know up front that there were no strings attached.

Me? Well, it wasn’t like I was a virgin, but I’d only slept with my ex-girlfriend…back in Wichita. I hadn’t dated anyone since my family had moved to Olathe, and I didn’t do the one and done thing. Nothing against guys who did, but it just wasn’t my style.

“Right. So he was exaggerating with you, but clearly he’s telling the truth about Ky,” I scoffed.

“Ky? What, you two best buds now or something?”

“So what if we are? Why does it matter?”

“Ian, chill,” he said, holding his hands up in surrender. “I couldn’t care less who you go out with. But don’t say I didn’t warn you if she just fucks you and walks away. I heard she did three guys at once one weekend and then by Monday, she’d decided she never wanted to see them again.”

“Would you fuckingstopwith that bullshit?!” I growled. “Ky’s not like that. I don’t know how the fuck those rumors got started, and I don’t care. All I know is that the girl I’ve gotten to know this month is fucking scared of her own shadow and barely talks to anyone. You can’t tell me you don’t see that.”

“You know what they say about the quiet ones, though,” he cackled.

I didn’t even dignify that with a response. I just yanked my backpack off the ground and stood up, slinging it over my shoulder.

“Where are you going, dude?” Braden laughed.

“Away from you,” I snapped. “Until you decide that you can be a decent human being and stop spreading rumors that you can’t prove.”

And with that, I stalked out of the school courtyard toward my Spanish classroom.

* * *

I was so annoyed by my conversation with Braden that I didn’t even see Kyler walk into the classroom…and I also almost forgot why I’d been hoping to see her before class.

“Wow. Who peed in your Wheaties this morning, Ian?” she chuckled, sliding into the desk next to me.

I half-smiled. “No one. I’m just nervous about the game tonight.”

I wasn’t about to admit that I’d gotten into a fight with my best friend over her. Somehow, I had the feeling that wouldn’t go over well.

“I’m sure you’ll be great. You always are, from what I hear.” She flashed me one of those smiles I loved so much.

“You ever going to come to one of my games and see the greatness for yourself?”