Page 29 of Pure Love


Halloween night, Dodo had rented a local tri-level bar with outdoor games for the team Halloween party. Instead of costumes, the dress code was women in orange, guys in black.

Dahlia, wearing a cute orange dress, came to Piper’s side and handed her an orange cocktail. “Love your shimmer.”

“Thanks.” Piper had dusted her eyelids, cleavage, thighs, and midriff with pretty iridescent orange-gold powder, other than that, her outfit was simple, her orange top cropped, her shorts black. Piper flipped her phone around and showed Dahlia Kiernan’s text. “Bet you a fiver, Liam’s ‘girlfriend’ couldn’t make her flight.”

Dahlia laughed and covered her lips. “Not nice.”

Piper typed in, “Bet.” She took a sip of the drink. Chilled pulpy orange juice with vodka rolled over her tongue. “A screwdriver, it’s good.”

“Mmm hmm. Willow wanted tonight to be a paid night. She was supposed to hand drinks out.”

Willow stood near the fireplace in an orange halter dress speaking with Mikah. Piper’s gut clenched.

Dahlia followed her gaze. “Are you minding that?”

Obviously. Not that she and number sixty-five were a thing. He hadn’t brought her here, he could talk with whomever he wanted. Maybe Willow didn’t mess with his focus. She shrugged and set a mental deadline. If Mikah didn’t make a pass on her tonight, she would move on. Her university was full of guys, there was a whole ice hockey team of guys in front of her, she had no need to cling to a man who wasn’t into her.

Dodo joined Willow and Mikah, that was a weird trio. Stop looking at them. Piper turned toward Dahlia. “That bothering you?” Piper kept her voice in the cautiously concerned range as she reframed Dahlia’s question. She didn’t want to throw shade at Willow because of her past. On the other hand, Willow wasn’t above bagging another’s boyfriend. Would she stop at fiancé? Doubt it. Gah. She needed to be kinder.

Dahlia’s lips twisted. “Of course not.” Her expression didn’t fit her words. “He pities her.”

Oh crap. Dodo might see himself as her savior. She was going to get this whole team self-help books in their next gift bag. “Let’s go over.”

Dahlia shook her head and grabbed her arm. “In circumstances like these, I copy you and ask myself, what would Anne Boleyn do?”

“Dance with another guy.” Piper knew that was the truth, but honestly, Dahlia and Dodo were engaged. There was a better way of handling opposite sex dynamics in this millennia. Or was there? Was history simply repeating itself in a universal loop of human failings? Downer insight. Don’t share it.

The music switched to a fast classic Halloween beat. They set their cups down and joined the crowd merging onto the dance floor. Piper let the fun of the holiday sweep into her moves and release her tension.

One classic monster song rolled into two, and then four. Piper waved both palms, left the dance floor, and hit the ice-filled trough for a bottled water. She chugged the cool liquid and waved at Liam and his date, who sat at a nearby table. His date wore all black except her orange belt and an orange headband in her long black hair. Was she Bianca? She really hadn’t thought Bianca existed and had taken the bet that Liam wouldn’t be riding solo tonight as a lark.

Liam motioned to the water and held up two fingers.

Yeah, she owed him for doubting his word. Now that she knew Bianca was real, Liam needed to rein in his use of the dating app. Not her business. Piper grabbed two bottles, their cold condensation freezing her fingers, and bounced over.

“Hey, guys.” Piper sank down as she passed the drinks out. “I’m Piper.” She smiled at Liam’s date. Would she get the five bucks if the woman wasn’t Bianca?

“Thanks.” Liam’s date tore at the label.

Liam looked tense. His gaze darted around the room like Calista’s did when she was overwhelmed by social demands.

His partner seemed bored.

“Having fun?” Why had she asked that? They looked more like they were ready to head out.

Liam tilted his brunette head to the woman. “Yeah, this is my girlfriend.”

“Bianca.” Bianca’s voice had an edge to it, hinting she’d told him many times to use her name.

Yes, score. Piper gave the other woman a friendly smile. “Liam has mentioned you.” The urge to say she had thought Bianca wasn’t real bubbled up, but she resisted. No doubt she’d hear why Bianca was seldom around if they chatted for a minute. Did she live in Canada? Was Liam too cheap to throw out a few hundred in airfare so she could come see him? A guide to being a great boyfriend would definitely be needed in the next team gift bag. Would be a nice accompaniment to the free absinthe Willow had suggested.

“Great party.” Bianca shrugged. “I just had other plans. Liam had to come here though.” She had a definite Canadian accent.

Liam looked away. “This is a work function. Right?”

He was not wrong. “Definitely. I mean, the invitation didn’t say mandatory, but we’ll see who gets the best Christmas bonus after this.” Piper pointed to herself, then to Liam, then at the room.