Page 30 of Pure Love

Bianca nodded toward Willow. “Is that one Dahlia?” She rolled her eyes. “Liam has gone on and on about her changes. Drivers. Apps.” She held up her palms. “They even have soap options in the locker rooms now. Arturo says that will make them soft.” She looked at Piper. “That’s my brother, he plays for the Geels.”

Oh. She didn’t care for Bianca. Her tone was condescending, and Bianca had mixed up Willow for her cousin. She wasn’t the only one picking up on the fact that Willow was standing too close to Dodo. Back it up, Willow. Or maybe they were sharing work thoughts on purity minding. In which case, Piper needed to know what they were saying. The urge to snoop on Willow and Dodo itched through her.

No. She was being overly sensitive because of her past. Was she trying to turn into a cynical suspicious witch? No. That’s why she’d broken out the sparkle powder. She’d focus on light and wonder. Piper pulled her gaze back to her own table and the Canadian couple opposite her. “Halloween’s fun, right? Do y’all celebrate like this in Canada?”

Bianca shrugged one shoulder. “Not really.”

“I like horror movies on Halloween,” Liam said. “Short autumn days and cold nights. Nothing better.”

“Me too.” Mikah agreed as he appeared at her side. He nodded in greeting to his friend and Bianca and held out his hand to Piper. “Dance?”

Oh yeah, about time. Piper rose and slipped her hand into his. The ghostly movie theme music didn’t inspire passion, but the dark atmosphere, glowing orange lights, and jack o’ lanterns created a seasonal vibe.

They danced like they had at the bar. He had rhythm but kept his focus on her rather than hamming it up for the onlookers, that was appealing.

After a set, Piper pointed to the courtyard exit. “Fresh air?”

Mikah nodded, his expression showing interest.

They paused at the stone patio. Cool air gusted, and jovial competitive jibes came from team members who were hanging out in the courtyard playing dominoes, tossing bean bags, and throwing pumpkins. Should have known a ton of athletes would be competing even on their off hours. She didn’t really want to dive into that. She wanted a minute alone with Mikah. She wanted to understand him better and find out what he wanted from her.

Mikah walked her down to an alcove where orange twinkle lights lit the darkness. He cupped her face and kissed her lightly before drawing back.

With that small touch, the chemistry they shared sparked and grew. Why had he waited so long to kiss her again? Well, he had been out of state, and he had watched her attend her ex’s wedding. Nice of him to give her time to get her bearings. Maybe their weird exchange in the tunnel was because he’d been concerned about her but had to take the ice and couldn’t help with her work situation anyway. Was he feeling their connection too?

His eyes searched hers. “Trick or treat?”

His kiss had definitely been a treat. “Treat. Always.”

He kissed her again, a longer, lazy press. “Happy Halloween.”

“You sound pleased?” She couldn’t quite read his expression here in the shadows.

“I didn’t know if going in for a real kiss would get me smacked in the face with a virtue leaflet.” His voice held a teasing note.

Piper liked his tone, the feel of his arm, the taste of his lips. “We call them purity pamphlets, thank you very much. And, yes, that could happen.”

“Worth the risk.” Mikah kissed her again, with more intention, more intensity. The alcove spun and narrowed.

Piper closed her eyes against the delicious dizzying effect. He pulled her flush against his hard body, and a riot of impressions surged through her. Hard muscles, no give, the perfect contrast to her femininity. Primal urges pushed her to let her hands and lips roam. But her mouth was sexily occupied with teasing touches from his tongue. She gave into the will of her hands and caressed his shoulders. She squeezed and traced his biceps through the cotton of his shirt, breathing in the hint of his cologne and masculine shower gel. Dang, if her night merely consisted of being in his arms, wow, what a Halloween treat. She stroked his muscles over and over again.

Mikah kissed her deeper. He caressed his fingertips across her lower back, and the shimmer powder she’d used infused into her veins, lighting her up like a jack-o’-lantern and melting her into the holiday. Yes, making out with a hot hockey player was how to celebrate the season. Her chest fell and rose against his, rubbing her sensitive nipples against his hard pecs. Pulling from his kiss, she bit her lip to stop her own whimper.

Treat. Treat. Treat.

Mikah used his thumb to tug her lip from her teeth and kissed the spot. She rocked her hips against his. He grabbed her bum and lifted her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he turned her so her back was to the wall. Yes. Entwined orange and black crepe paper flattened under her head.

Piper tangled her hands in his hair and kissed him hard using her teeth and tongue. She wiggled.

“Did you see Liam and his date?” The unfamiliar voice sounded foggy and distant yet at the same time invasively close. “If Bianca doesn’t throw a pumpkin at his head before this is over…my…” The feminine voice cut off and started giggling. Her friend did also. Their footsteps turned away.

Public. They needed privacy. Piper dropped her head back into the crepe paper. She needed to put her feet on the ground. Contrarily, she tightened her legs, loving the feel of him against the sensitive inner skin of her thighs.

Mikah kissed the side of her neck. “Not here? Huh?”

Piper shivered. Not here. The partier’s words echoed through her head. “They were talking about Liam and Bianca. He’s not having a great night.” She meant for the words to come out supportive, but her tone emerged as uncertain, showing her battle between selfishly wanting to be alone with Mikah and knowing he should check on his friend.

Mikah licked and lightly sucked a spot on her neck. “Liam’s a grown-ass man.”