Popping it in her mouth, she moaned, “How do you make simple potatoes taste so damn good?” She didn’t notice when he flinched as she planted a kiss on his neck and slapped his ass. “Feed me and fuck me, darling.”
“Why don’t you go lay down for a while? It was a long drive and your high will be better in bed. One of us will bring you a plate when it’s done,” he gave her his charming smile, the one he knew no woman could resist.
“Only if you all promise to eat me,” she giggled as she slowly made her way to the small bedroom. I snuck to the door and found her laying on the bed, looking like a goddess with the blonde wig fanning out around her. Her eyes were closed and a blissful look appeared on her face. Knowing she’d be fine, I carefully closed the door and went back to help Ollie finish up dinner. Dane hadn’t moved an inch, anger burning in his eyes, and I couldn’t blame him. Even though I understood why Ollie said the things he did, acted like an asshole pushing her away, his words still hung in the air threatening to drown us.
Once dinner was ready, I moved to take the plate to Vivian, but Dane stopped me, “I’ll do it. I want to make sure she’s okay.” I nodded and let him, a sting of jealousy rising as I heard her laughter ring out.
“Just sit and eat. He needs this,” Ollie ordered.
“And I don’t?”
“No. We share her. Don’t make me get rid of her now,” he warned, his deadly expression morphing into the complete opposite as the two in question came out and joined us at the small table.
As much as I wanted to believe Ollie had changed because of Vivian, I couldn’t be sure. We were all fucked up, but he was the one who kept his cards to himself, never revealing if behind those dimples, the snake was ready to strike. It made me nervous, and I vowed to have a talk with Dane about my concerns. The stress was getting to us, knowing we had the one woman any of us had ever loved to protect. There was no doubt it made us all do things out of desperation.
After we ate, I helped Vivian wash the dishes. She seemed to have mostly come down from her high. I played some alternative music on the satellite radio in the cabin and we danced as we washed and put everything away. Dane fled to the bedroom with a bottle of whiskey and I did everything in my power to keep her from questioning his mood.
Dotting her nose with suds, I teased, “There, you’re all clean for me.”
The mischief in her eyes came to life, and I knew I was in for something. I just didn’t expect an entire glass of soapy water to be poured down the front of my pants, making me jump. “Now you’re all clean for me,” she taunted as I stood stunned, looking like I pissed myself.
“Why you little,” I growled, making her squeal and run off toward the bedroom, laughing the entire way, even as she bumped into Ollie.
“I don’t want to hear your excuses. Get it done,” Ollie hissed into the phone held to his ear. He glanced at Vivian and gave her a halfhearted smile before brushing past and out the door. The rest of his words were muffled, and I only had a small idea of who he spoke to and about what.
The nearest one to her, Dane, got the short end of the stick, her curiosity forcing her to ask him, “What’s going on?”
Barely looking at her, he continued to flip through the channels as he leaned back against the headboard looking bored, “Nothing that concerns you right now.”
Sobering up immediately, she put her hand on her hip, irritation ringing through her tone, “I hate to tell you this, Dane, but I’m a part of every single thing in your lives now. You brought me in.”
“Then ask him yourself,” he brushed her off briskly, and I knew she wouldn’t be satisfied with the answer.
Her eyes zeroed in on his tapping fingers and even Vivian knew by this point it was his tell of something bothering him. I watched in amusement as she climbed up on the end of the bed, crawling toward him. This was the best entertainment aside from fucking that sweet cunt of hers.
“Spill your secrets to me and I’ll show you one of mine. You’re not the only one holding back,” she purred as she kneeled in front of him, blocking his view of the TV.
His eyes shifted to me and she noticed right away, “Oh, no. You aren’t getting any backup on this.” Pushing her breasts in his face, I heard him inhale deeply as my own cock hardened at her determination to not back down.
“There’s a raceway near here. One where we can take part. The job isn’t for a few more days, so we can take one night to go have some fun. I know how much you like to ride fast things.”
“Oh, I would love that!” she exclaimed, seeming to forget what she tried to pull out of him. I knew her well though, and she wasn’t one to be distracted by shiny things. She’d try again when he least expected it, and it would be one hell of a battle of wills.
I heard the door open and pulled myself away from the gorgeous woman with her ass in the air as she moved down Dane’s body. Going straight for his cock, I had to hand it to her. She knew his weakness. Hell, she knew all of ours.
Reluctantly, I left them alone, finding Ollie sitting at the table with his head in his hands. The chair scraped against the wood floor as I sat down and he looked up with pain in his eyes, “Are you still willing to give up your life for all of us?”
“What’s going on?”
“They’re here. The feds. Down at the police station setting up. My contact can’t hold them off for much longer, and they’ll be scouring this town within a couple of hours. We need to leave.”
My stomach dropped, and I tried to get the burning questions out. All I could manage was, “How?”
“Someone saw me at the grocery store and called in the tip line. They don’t know our exact location. Yet.”
Adrenaline rushed through me, the only thing on my mind was to run. I sprang into action, rushing through the bedroom door, shouting, “Get up, get dressed, and get the guns. We need to leave.”
The two of them stared at me, obviously in the middle of a hell of a sex session, and I tried again, calmer this time, “The feds are in this city. We don’t have much time to get out of here before they’re swarming this place.”