Page 45 of Tastes Like Misery

I grabbed a bag and shoved my clothes in it, not giving a shit if it ended up wrinkled or not. Dane kept going, not seeming to get the urgency, and my Vixen was more than ready to cum in the face of danger. I couldn’t help but watch her face as she let go, moaning in that sweet as fuck voice of hers. No matter how my mind screamed danger, my body betrayed me and I found myself devouring her mouth as Dane finished.

When I released her, she was breathless, her eyes still holding the flames of desire. Reluctantly, I forced myself to continue my task, this time with more urgency, “We don’t have much time. Ollie was recognized at the grocery store. They are coming.”

Finally, the two got up, Vivian washing herself off before throwing on her clothes. She tucked her pink pistol in her hand and nodded, “Let’s do this.”

We walked at a steady pace to not alert anyone who might walk by to our hasty escape. Leaving the cabin keys on the dining room table, I left it unlocked and climbed into the passenger’s seat. I’d been so wrapped up in checking our surroundings for any signs of cops, I startled when Vivian laughed from the driver’s seat, “Buckle up, baby. It’s going to be a wild ride.”

Chapter 27


The blood pumped hard through my veins as Vivian flew down the back roads in the Denali. I could see the furrow of her brows as she concentrated on her task of getting us out of this place before the cops found us. We didn’t know if or when they’d find out about our new vehicle, but we had no choice but to take it. Hell, we didn’t know if they knew about the station wagon at this point. Ollie’s contact didn’t give him much to go on since she wasn’t really in the loop as a receptionist.

This was the first time in a while I appreciated all the women we fucked and threw away, most of the tourists who went back home to their boring lives while keeping our numbers for the next time they visited Vegas. We had multiple women collected in every state, and Ollie had the foresight to bring all those numbers with. The detail in his journals shocked me at first, each page talking about what kind of fuck each woman was, what they did for a living, and where they were from. For a man who had no interest in a relationship, he sure took the time to keep track of the women we had.

It shouldn’t have surprised me. The guy was smart as hell and probably planned the whole thing years before he brought the plan to us. Whatever it was, I had no choice but to be thankful for his odd behaviors.

With the map from the cabin in his hands, Ollie guided her through the winding roads as we put the miles between ourselves and the cops. His voice was the only one, Finn and I not wanting to break her concentration. “Turn left on the next road. It should be coming up soon,” he told her, sounding nervous. Living a life with cell phones and GPS navigation, I gave him credit for getting us this far with just calculations in his head. I used to give him shit for being a nerd, but this time I was thankful for his math abilities.

Still, the road came up before she had a chance to slow down and she jerked the wheel, not slowing down. I felt a moment of weightlessness as it went on two wheels around the corner. Maybe fear should’ve struck me with the real possibility of flipping over in the middle of nowhere, but I let out a whoop as the tires bounced back on the pavement. “You were made for this, baby girl.”

She gifted me with her beaming smile from the rearview mirror before looking back at the road. I laughed as I noticed Ollie’s hand gripping the handle on the door made for the “oh, shit” moments, his breath coming out hard, “Maybe slow down when I tell you a turn is coming up.”

“What’s the fun in that?” she laughed.

“Women drivers,” his cranky ass muttered.

We were thrown to the side as she jerked the wheel and drove through a field, the bumps hurting my balls. My eyes bored through Ollie, my voice coming out a little higher pitched from the hammering on my sac, “Asshole. Maybe just give the direction and shut the fuck up otherwise.”

“Sorry, Viv. You are an amazing driver. I’m just stressed out,” Ollie sounded sincere, and she took more care in getting us back on the road.

“I’m going to need an ice pack after that,” Finn whined as he adjusted himself in the seat.

“Maybe, but I kind of liked the vibrations between my legs. Sorry, not sorry,” she shrugged.

“If you never do that again, I’ll buy you every vibrator you could ever want,” I offered, the thought of using one on her sending all the right sensations to my dick.

“Deal. Just keep Mr. Crabass back there from insulting me.”

“About two miles and there’s a two-lane highway. It will bring us straight to the next destination,” Ollie ignored her jest. “You can slow down now since there will be a little more traffic. The last thing we need is someone calling the authorities to report this car.”

“Yes, sir,” she mock saluted him, letting go of the gas pedal to slow. “Five over the speed limit will be my plan of action for the highway. Any less will be suspicious and any more will be a surefire way to get pulled over.”

“Agreed,” Ollie replied simply. “It’s that stop sign up ahead. Turn right.”

“We’re going to need gas soon,” she turned to look at him once the SUV came to a stop at the intersection.

“This map doesn’t show any of that. Just stop at the first place you see. I’m sure there’s one somewhere.”

It was miles before she pulled us into the lonely gas station in the middle of nowhere. I pumped the gas while the rest went in to take a piss and get some snacks. I watched through the dirty window, smiling at the way Ollie and Vivian pushed each other, her radiant smile lighting up her face as he scowled at her. No doubt she made some comment about his manhood. They had a honeymoon time where they got along, but now it was back to the two knocking heads. I liked this relationship between them better. More entertaining.

Putting the nozzle back in the pump’s holder, I closed the cap and waltzed into the ramshackle station, unsure if I trusted the expiration date of anything in this place. Yes, I was the first one to admit to being a pampered prince and the country life was not for me. The only benefit being the credit card pumps hadn’t hit these parts and paying cash didn’t look suspicious. I ditched my black card along with the money we hid, not wanting anything to give us away in case they learned our identities. With the FBI involved, I wouldn’t doubt they had our names and real pictures by now.

I nodded to the man at the counter, who sat on a stool with a toothpick hanging out of his mouth. His eyes roamed from the TV in the corner to me. His gaze focused on me for a beat too long and the hairs on the back of my neck stood. As casually as I could, I made my way over to the bathroom, quickly emptying the pipe before looking around in disgust at the nasty room. I didn’t want to touch anything. For a place in the middle of nowhere, it sure seemed like a restroom after a big event with used toilet paper and an overflowing garbage can. “Lazy fuck,” I grumbled as I tried to wash my hands and stay clear of the germs.

Using my shoe, I kicked open the door and joined the others, grabbing a coke. I needed the caffeine, already yawning from the unexpected getaway. “Which one of us is awake enough to drive?” I asked Finn, the one I knew paid attention to everyone’s state of mind.

“I think Vivian is still good for a while. She’s enjoying it. I’ll keep her awake and then you can take over after a nap. You two are the best drivers if we run into trouble.”