Andi’s parents were high school sweethearts, but some loves aren’t made to last. To her, Bruce’s love for his country was more than anything he felt for her. When Andi was three years old, she planned to take Andi and go back home to Montana while Bruce was deployed. Instead of making a clean getaway, she got in a car accident and died instantly. Whether by luck or divine intervention, Andi wasn’t hurt, save for a few bumps and bruises.

It wasn’t until Andi was out of the hospital that Bruce came home and found the note waiting for him on the table. The two of them have been thick as thieves ever since.

That’s one of the many reasons anything between Andi and me isn’t a good idea. It would destroy her father. As I approach the front desk, I hear my name being called. Turning, I notice Ford jogging in my direction.

“Hey, man. We have to talk.”

I hold up a hand, stopping whatever he has to say, because it’s probably about something he doesn’t like. The man can truly be a diva.

“You’d better not be backing out of this project. I’ll sue your ass.”

“I’m not backing out, but you have a problem with one of your stars,” he growls.

Damn. Filming hasn’t even started yet, and I already have problems. I hope this is not an omen of things to come for the rest of filming.

“Let me guess. Jacob Taylor.”

I grind my teeth together. Jacob Taylor is money in the bank, and we both know it. There really is nothing I can do if Ford wants to have a pissing contest with the kid.

“Just ‘cause he’s prettier doesn’t mean he has a bigger dick.”

“I probably stopped him from drugging your new makeup artist last night.”

“What did you just say?”

“After you left, I went back down to the bar. Ivy was there with Taylor, and it wasn’t good.”

He explains all the events of the night to me. The sad part is, I believe every word he says. Taylor doesn’t have the best reputation with women, but he has a pretty face, and the studio executives care more about dollar signs than the people he could hurt.

I reach up and rub the back of my neck. “I can’t fire him. The studio gave me the green light for this film because of him. He’s the reason we’re all here.”

I can see how angry Ford is, but I can do him a solid I know will help ease his worries.

“Don’t worry about your girl, though, Ford. She’s a special effects makeup artist. She’ll be running those pretty little hands all over your gorgeous body.”

He groans as I place a hand on his shoulder and turn him around, shoving him in the direction of the conference room.

“Now put your game face on. You’re late.”

“For what?”

“A table read.”

Ford continues to grumble all the way to the conference room before I open the door and shove him inside. Now he’s Rebekah’s problem.

Realizing I never made it to speak with Cynthia, I turn around and head back toward the front desk, but run into something soft and warm.


Reaching my hands out, I grab onto her and pull her closely against my chest.

“Are you all right?” I ask before looking down into the bright green eyes of my own personal nightmare.

“Just the person I was looking for,” Andi says with a smile, and immediately, I know nothing good can come from this.