“Andi, can you be a dear and take these new sketches to Nolan for approval?” Helen says over her shoulder as she packs up her sketching pencils.

“Are you sure you don’t want to do it?” I ask tentatively.

I’m not too sure about being anywhere alone with Nolan after everything that’s happened. I can’t seem to control my libido around him.

“Of course! Most of these changes to the costumes for Ford are yours, with help from Ivy. You should be the one to present them to him. After you finish, come and meet the rest of us for lunch at the restaurant.”

Before I can change my mind, I head for the exit. Before he left, Nolan mentioned a table read, and I remember my dad saying something about the studio renting out a few of the smaller conference rooms near registration, which is exactly where I start my search. My phone chimes in my pocket, distracting me. Luckily, instead of running into a wall, I feel strong arms wrap around my shoulders, pulling me close. As I shove my phone back into my pocket, I look up to realize I’m face-to-face with Nolan.

“Can I help you, Andi?” The deep timbre of his voice sends a shiver down my spine.

“Helen wanted me to show you the costume changes for Ford’s character.”

“Where are they?” All too soon, Nolan unravels his arms from around my shoulders and takes a step back. The warmth of his embrace still lingers on my skin.

I look down at my hands and realize I left the sketches behind. “I was in a hurry and left them in the conference room. We put together some samples for you to see. If you have time, why don’t you follow me, and we can go over them together?”

“After you. Did Helen come up with the changes?” he asks as he motions for me to lead the way.

“She helped.” I stand a little taller as I walk past him, swaying my hips a little more than necessary. “The concepts are mostly mine, with some help from Ivy based on the prosthetic placements she came up with. Helen insisted I present them to you since they’re my ideas.”

We continue down the hall in silence until we reach the conference room. Nolan opens the door and motions for me to enter before him, but I stop short when I enter the room. The place is deserted.

Was I really gone for that long? Everyone was just finishing up when I left. I guess these people don’t mess around when it comes to lunch.

I bite my lip as I continue toward my station in the back of the room.

“Where is everyone?” Nolan asks.

Suddenly aware of how close he is to me, I can feel the heat of his body against my back.

“Lunch, I’m assuming. I didn’t expect everyone to head out so quickly. Helen and the others were just packing up when I left.”

Nolan chuckles as he scrubs his hand down his face. “Yeah, sometimes I wonder who’s more important: me or the head of catering.”

When we reach my station, I quickly locate the updated sketches Helen, Ivy, and I prepared and hand them to Nolan. “Here you go. Take a look. The samples are on the rack over there. I’ll go grab them.”

He nods as he examines the sketches. I want to watch his face as he looks over the changes, but time is money. I turn to take a few steps toward the hanging rack, but my foot catches on something.

I fall forward, arms flailing around for anything to grab onto, but there is nothing. Finally accepting the inevitable, I turn my head to the side, shut my eyes tightly, and brace for impact, but it never comes.

Just as suddenly as I was falling, I find myself pulled flush against Nolan’s muscular chest. Both of us are breathing heavily as the adrenaline of what almost happened hits both of us.

“Are you alright?” Nolan growls, causing my eyes to fly open.

Papers flutter around us like giant snowflakes as they fall to the ground.

“Shit. I’m sorry. I’m so clumsy sometimes.” I try to wiggle out of Nolan’s grasp.

“Stop moving.”

The command in his voice immediately causes me to stop. “Nolan…”

I can feel his hard cock press against my ass, and I know there’s no point in resisting him further.

“You need to be more careful, Andi.”