Page 157 of Perfectly Accidental

“Roman,” he said with a nod.


He looked back at the house, then back to me. “Waiting for Piper?”

I shifted where I was leaning against the car. “Yeah.”

He nodded. “You two are working things out?”

I frowned. “There isn’t really much to work out.”

He nodded again. “And here I thought you weren’t that stupid.”

My frown deepened. I would have said some choice words to him suggesting he go and copulate with himself. But there was something in his voice that told me he didn’t believe my words. What had Piper said about me that had him not threatening to run me over with his car or report me to the police or any warning about staying away from his daughter?

Why was he giving me another chance?

Matt got into his car and drove off.

The next gone were Mum and Maddy.

Maddy threw herself around my knees before clambering into Mum’s car.

“See you tonight, Uncie Roman,” she called before using both arms to pull the door shut.

Mum muttered as she pulled it back open and got Maddy buckled in.

“Have a good day, love,” she said before hopping in and driving away.

Bree was next and I supposed I was glad that no one else would be around to witness if my attempted olive branch went south.

“Morning, Roman,” she said happily, as though her daughter and I weren’t totally fucked up.

“Morning, Mrs Barlow.”

She tsked. “Bree, Roman. Please. How many times do I have to ask you?”

I nodded. “Bree.”

“Excellent. Piper’s almost ready. She know you’re waiting?”

I shook my head.

“Okay.” She paused like she wanted to say something else. All she ended up saying was, “Well, remember what I said, hun. Our door’s always open.”

“Thanks,” I told her as she climbed into her car. She gave me a wave as she drove away.

I lit a smoke and waited some more. Finally, I heard the door close and looked up to see her walking slowly towards me. I tried smiling, but I don’t think I did a very good job.

Her smile was everything. “Hey.”

I nodded. “Hey. You want a lift?”

She looked wary and I didn’t blame her. “Sure. Thanks.”

Like old times, I opened the door for her and held out a hand to help her in. The smile we shared felt much more organic. I didn’t feel the need to pull her to me and kiss her like I’d never get the chance again.

She wanted us to be friends? Fine. I’d be her friend.