Page 158 of Perfectly Accidental

After so long apart, our conversation was slow at first and the silence less comfortable than it used to be. But, by the time I pulled into the school carpark, we were laughing at I couldn’t even remember what.

“I’ll meet you back here after school?” she asked, smiling.

I nodded. “Sounds good.”

Rio saluted her as they passed, and Piper chirped, “Hey, Rio.”

“You two talking again now?” he asked me as he passed me his smoke.

I took a puff then handed it back. “Seems that way.”

“You could be happier.”

I scoffed. “Me. Happy?”

“Yeah,” he said slowly. “That doesn’t sound like you.”

“Nah. It doesn’t much.”

I went about my day the same as usual, but Piper and I exchanged GIFs and looks all day. Things were almost back to normal. At least, as far as she knew, they were back to normal. I was trying very hard not to lose my shit every time Mason put his fucking hands on her.

“She’s not mine,” I muttered to myself, and Rio followed my gaze.

“She could be.”

I smacked him. “Not fucking helping.”

He shrugged. “I don’t think that’s in my job description.”

I growled at him, and he held his hands up.

“Down, boy,” he said.

At lunch, the boys and I were dicking about with our boards. Piper was watching so I fell back on a tried and true stunt, and tumbled off my board. I saw her smile and turn her attention back to Hadley.

“If you and Piper are just friends,” Rio started as he hauled me back up, “where does that leave me and Hadley?”

“Not even in the friendzone. The dead zone.”

He shoved me, but he was smiling to match the one growing on my face. “You and me both,” he said.

I nodded but didn’t find any malice in his voice. There was no dig. It was sympathetic and I didn’t feel like throwing it back in his face this time.

“Yeah,” I answered as I hiked up my pants. “You and me both.”

I looked back to Piper as I heard her voice and saw Mason swinging her around. I felt myself snarl, but stretched my neck out.

“If you need something more painful to distract you, my fist and I are very willing to take one for the team,” Rio said.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I told him.

“I’d offer my services, but I’m pretty sure you could kick my arse without making a single move,” Steve offered.

I kicked my chin at him in thanks. “Appreciate it.”

“I just won’t offer,” Jake said. “I’d much rather just watch the show.”

I kept one eye on Piper and Mason, jiggling my lighter in my hand. I watched him kiss her. I watched him with his arms around her as the guys seemed to be trying to teach the girls how to play football. Hadley looked like she knew exactly what she was doing but putting on a good show of pretending she didn’t. But then what did I know about footy?