I headed out of the classroom and towards the oval to find Jake and Steve. Rio followed me but thankfully didn’t say anything else.
As we went, I saw her with Mason. She was laughing at whatever drivel was coming out of his stupid face. My heart crumpled, no matter how much I told myself it was for the best.
Right on schedule, Rocco’s voice was suddenly too loud in my head, and I couldn’t shake it.
I wanted to say I hadn’t fucked this up. I hadn’t fucked her up.
But watching her with Mason, I knew Rocco was right, and the fucker didn’t even know what had happened.
Rio elbowed me. “You could have kept her.”
I sniffed. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure you don’t,” he said sarcastically. “And I gave it to Hadley over the weekend.”
I looked at him quickly. “Did you?”
He frowned at me like I should know better. “I figured one lie deserved another.”
I sniffed. “Jimbo’s tonight?” was my answer.
Rio looked me over like he of all people were actually debating the sense of it. Finally, he nodded. “Sure. I could get out of the house.”
It stood to reason that, on our way home from Jimbo’s that night, there was a ruckus. A ruckus which had me hauled in for questioning by my dear acquaintance Officer Daniels. Rio had legged it as soon as the trouble started. I was, for once, not the one to blame and Officer Daniels knew that.
She passed me the phone and I glared at her in thanks.
“I thought you were dead,” Rocco said, and my jaw tightened.
“That was your go to?” I snarled and even Officer Daniels was surprised at my tone.
“The alternative was that you were straightening out, but I think we all know that ship has sailed.”
“Just where do you fucking get off?” I snapped. “You ever think I do such a great job at meeting these low expectations because you keep telling me that’s all I’ll ever be?”
He actually laughed. Fucking stellar parenting. The arsehole laughed. “Oh, Roman. Like anything I could ever say would have an impact on your behaviour. Were that the case, you wouldn’t be sitting in a police station right now.”
Officer Daniels obviously saw on my face the nature of my next words and she shook her head. I frowned at her and she shook it again.
“Just hang up,” she mouthed to me.
“The nice police lady tells me that there are no charges this time, but I am glad she kept me abreast. As per the agreement.”
“You can shove your agreement–”
“Roman,” he said, all pretence of joviality dropped. “Choose your next words carefully, or I might rethink assisting you next time.”
“You know it’s more for your benefit than mine,” I snarled, then took Officer Daniels’ advice and hung up.
I had zero doubts that he would always come to the ‘rescue’, as he called it, because what was going to happen when it hit the papers? What would people think? Fucking insecure arsehole.
“Pick up for Roman Lombardi,” the officer at the front desk called.
“Good timing, hey?” Officer Daniels tried.
I just nodded and got up to find Mum and Maddy waiting in the reception area.