“You soft for her, mate?” Rio teased, and I nearly thumped him.
He knew exactly what she did to me. He didn’t need to be bringing it up in front of her. That was bordering on treason.
“Soft isn’t the word I’d use,” I muttered as I winked at her.
Her cheeks flushed the brightest pink. Had Rio not had any idea about what Piper and I got up to, he certainly had enough to make even an uneducated guess.
She cleared her throat adorably awkwardly and nodded. “I’m going to leave you two to it…”
Trojans were placed. Fire drill was set to go off. She didn’t need leave just yet.
I pushed away from the computer with a suave even I hadn’t known I possessed. I was feeling good about this prank. I was feeling good about it and about the girl standing in the doorway. Too good. I was hyped up on my own arrogance and I wanted her to remember it.
“What?” she asked, looking me over.
I felt my smirk tug at my lips as I looked her over. She was fucking gorgeous. In her uniform. In her PJs. In her nicest dress. In nothing at all. She glowed with kindness and warmth and acceptance, and I was fucking helpless to resist.
She brought out a different kind of darkness in me. One that wanted to shower her body in every kind of pleasure imaginable. She deserved nothing less than the most avid seduction. What I wouldn’t give to have a weekend, just her and me again. Things I wanted to try. I wanted to explore every inch of her and discover exactly what she liked.
I stopped in front of her, wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her to me.
Who gave a fuck if Rio was watching? He knew I was fucking nuts about her. I wasn’t giving anything away.
“Roman?” she said hesitantly, her eyes darting around the corridor. But no one other than Rio was going to see us.
“What?” I asked, my voice low and commanding. I was actually pretty fucking impressed with it. “Bloke needs a good luck kiss before he goes on the lamb.”
She swallowed hard as her eyes flickered between mine. Eyes that held a depth of heat for me. Like she did things to me, I did things to her. This was doing something for her. I was going to remember that.
Her eyes checked for potential witnesses again before she reached up and kissed me. I held her tighter and felt her surprise. I was surprised as well. Something about it sent a shiver right through me, starting low in my stomach and working its way to my chest. Fuck, but I wished we weren’t at school.
Finally, she pulled away almost reluctantly, her bottom lip caught in her teeth.
Was she as affected as me?
I thought so, but I wasn’t going to ask for confirmation in front of Rio.
“Rio,” she said to him. Then she looked at me as she started walking backwards. “Roman.”
I leant against the doorframe and crossed my arms. “Piper.”
I watched her walk away. She didn’t turn for the longest time, like she couldn’t pull her eyes from me as much as I couldn’t pull mine from her. She was an addiction I didn’t even recognise as addiction anymore. It was just fact. No one said they were addicted to oxygen or vegetables or water, but they needed them to live.
I ran my hand over my jaw.
I needed Piper. Not quite so drastically that I’d die if – when – I lost her, but enough that she may as well have been air or food or light.
“You want Carter to catch you fondling his woman?”
I scoffed. “She’s not his woman.”
“Oh, really?” he asked sarcastically.
I frowned at him. “Fuck off.”
“I mean, I’m pretty sure she knows it. I didn’t realise you did.”
“Fuck. Off.”