Page 130 of Perfectly Accidental

Chapter Nineteen

She brings out a new darkness in me.

“Greenie always leaves his room unlocked,” Rio said, like I didn’t know.

We slipped inside and beelined straight for the teacher’s desk and woke up the computer.

“What did I tell you?” Rio said triumphantly.

“Nothing I didn’t already know,” I told him as I input the admin password.

It wasn’t strictlytheadmin password. It wasanadmin password I’d set up for myself a few years earlier when I’d first hacked the school’s systems.

“Oi, while you’re in there, set the fire drill for next period,” Rio said.

I huffed at him. “I think I know what I’m doing.”

“Just ‘cause you could pass tests in your fucking sleep,” he muttered.

“Fuck off.”

He shook his head. “If Dunbridge knew what kinda brains you’ve been hiding in there…”

“Then I wouldn’t feel inclined to pull shit like this,” I told him as I navigated my way around the fire alarm system.

It had been an easy system to crack. Honestly, if they didn’t want the students in their personal private data, then maybe they needed to invest in some better security protocols.

Rio shifted. “Oi, oi,” he said with a salute.

I looked up at him, thinking that was a weird way to tell me we were being busted. But he was looking at the door. I followed his gaze and found none other than Piper standing there, watching me with a look of disapproving amusement on her gorgeous face.

“Barlow.” I nodded, then went back to walking all over the security protocols.

“Boys,” she said in response. “Causing trouble, I assume?”

“Oh, you know us,” Rio answered. “On a mission to do the impossible. Mission Impossible Seven!”

Just because it might have been the seventh actual attempt at this. But between Dunbridge and Rocco both being equally obsessed – for very different reasons – we were yet to succeed.

“And what might that be?” she asked like she already didn’t want to know the answer.

“Getting Lombardi expelled, of course.”

“Of course. And what’s your plan this time?”

“Lombardi’s hacking the System Admin for back door access…” He held out his hand and we did the mandatory fist-bump. “And leaving a couple of sweet little Trojans behind as he goes.”

“And that will do what?” she asked.

Rio shrugged. He didn’t really have any more idea than her. I said words to him and all he needed to know was it was going to be trouble. “Be a fucking nuisance.”

“Oh, good. Because why be useful?” Piper said with a smile in her voice, but also a reprimand.

I looked up at her and I felt the first stirrings of hesitation in me. She didn’t approve. I wasn’t going to say she was judging me, because we didn’t do that. But she could offer no judgements and still disapprove.

Oh, well. Romans do need to be Romans.

“Go on, Barlow,” I told her. “If we get caught, I don’t want you involved.”