“Like I said, we’re friends.”
“Yeah, friends.”
Matt seemed to find that funny. “In my day, men sacked up a little more, son.”
“I’d like to say I don’t know what you’re talking about. But Piper and I are just friends. No one’s kidding themselves that I’m the sort of guy who can give her what she needs, let alone what she deserves…”
It was very fucking important to me that he knew exactly where Piper and I stood. I liked to think that he’d realised that, if I had the balls to say it to him, then I was saying it to her, too. I guess I wasn’t in so many words, but all our conversations had been saying it.
Matt nodded. “At least, you’re man enough to admit it.”
“Why do I feel like that might not be a compliment, Matt?”
“Well, Roman, that may be because it might not have been.”
“Other people’s expectations are what get us into problems,” I told him carefully. “Piper and I are on the same page here. She knows me better than all you lot who’ve written me off. She knows better than to expect anything more from me, but she doesn’t care. She doesn’t need me to change.”
“And, when she does?”
But she wouldn’t. “Your daughter is far too intelligent for that.”
“You sound disappointed.”
I paused before answering. “I’m not disappointed. She’s a wonderful young woman and I’m privileged to have her in my life. She’s safe with me.”
“I want to believe you, Roman–”
“I don’t know what else I can say.”
Matt looked me over. “Problem is, son, you don’t have to. You’re a father’s worst nightmare. You’re the guy every father dreads the very thought of being anywhere near their daughter. And then, son… Well, then Piper’s smiling again and you bring her home completely responsibly. I mean, I remember the night you were taken to the police station for being drunk and now…?”
Yeah? Which particular night?
“I’m a degenerate – not an idiot – and I said I’d look out for her.”
I was a little testy, but I didn’t need Piper’s dad… What was he even doing? Was he actually standing there advocating I ask Piper out? What fucking crazy world was I living in where someone’s dad was encouraging me, not chasing me out of the house with a tyre iron?
“I’d normally expect more respect from a teenager. But there’s something oddly pleasant about your honesty.”
Rocco would disagree. But then Rocco would have been the one chasing me out of the house with a tyre iron.
“Piper and I are honest. It’s why it works. I can be me, she can be her, and we can be friends. That doesn’t work without complete honesty.”
“You’re really not as stupid as you look, are you?”
I wanted to yell at him to stop understanding me. But Bree was still asleep and yelling at Piper’s dad wasn’t going to do anything good for my friendship with Piper, so I kept my cool and didn’t argue with him.
“That’s what Piper tells me.”
Matt nodded and made an agreeing sort of noise. “Go on in and say goodnight, son. She’ll yell at us both once the headache’s gone if I don’t let you.”
This had to be the fuckening. It was a joke, surely.
“Are you sure about that?” I asked.
“Just keep in mind that I’m right down the hall and I’m a light sleeper.”