Page 126 of Perfectly Accidental

I couldn’t have sex with her while she was drunk, no matter how vocal her consent was. With the way things were with Mason, she could regret it tomorrow. And I wasn’t going to give her any reason to regret anything about us if I could help it.

I pulled her to me and wrapped her up tight in my arms. I kissed her hair and kicked myself for denying both her and me.

“You’ll be right to get upstairs?” I asked.

She nodded. “Yep.”

She stepped away but stumbled. Yeah, she was clearly fine to get upstairs.

Fuck but she both exasperated me and amused me.

I picked her up and took her to her back door.

“Keys?” I asked and she shuffled in her pocket before handing them to me.

I got us inside and the door closed with little noise except drunken giggling on Piper’s part. I didn’t hate the sound, but I hated the potential consequences of the sound.

“Your parents will kill me if they find me in here, Barlow. Shut up!” I whispered.

She put her finger to her lips and nodded seriously. I could have fucking kissed her, she was so… I wasn’t going to say the word.

When I got her upstairs, I finally put her down. She laughed too loudly, and I grimaced. She was a few steps towards her bedroom, and I fully intended to leave her there and go home, but Matt Barlow was standing behind her and clearing his throat.

“This is not what it looks like,” I said quickly.

Piper snorted and I glared at her. Matt looked at her like he thought he’d just made a grand realisation.

“It’s fine, Dad–” Piper started.

“Piper, go to your room, please…” Matt said firmly.

Piper clearly finally realised the gravity of the situation. She nodded and hurried into her bedroom, and closed the door behind her.

“So, Roman?” Matt said slowly.

“I just wanted to see her in safely, Matt.”

I didn’t often call adults by their first names to their faces. It wasn’t the way Rocco had raised me. But there was something about the situation that made me think now was one of those times you broke the rules.

“I appreciate that,” he answered.

There was an air of expectation, but it wasn’t a pleasant one.

“I’m not stupid enough to disrespect you in your own house,” I told Matt pointedly.

And I wouldn’t. Slinking into their house with their drunk daughter and having sex with her while they slept in another room wasn’t exactly high on my priority list. It actually went a very long way to deflating the raging boner said daughter had awoken.

“Bree said you’d been spending time together,” Matt said ,and I was as wary by the tone in his voice as he was.

“We’re friends,” I told him.

“You’re sober, aren’t you, son?”

“I was driving Piper home.”

That seemed to have impressed him. “And I believe you. You care about her.”

Was that a question? What was he expecting me to say? Did he want me down on one knee while I asked for his daughter’s hand?