Page 111 of Perfectly Accidental

I couldn’t help but smile. “Sure, you won’t.” And, to her credit, she didn’t. About that.

“Bree said Piper wasn’t feeling well.”

“Did she?”

“You didn’t know?”

I looked out the side window and acted as nonchalant as possible. “Nope.”

“Everything okay, love?”

“Sure. Why wouldn’t it be?”

“I thought you and Piper were…”

“Were what?” I scoffed.

“Friends,” she said carefully.

“Yeah. Me, too.”

“Have you talked to her?”

“We’ve talked.”

“I meant about whatever’s happened.”

“She won’t talk to me.”

“Have you–?”

“No!” I huffed. “I haven’t. I haven’t done anything because I can’t.”

“Roman, love…”

“Just don’t. Please.”

“Okay, love. Well, I’m here if you need me. I do know a thing or two about women.”

I tried not to smile and failed. “You’re not the only one.”

“I do not need to know,” she said, more to herself than me. “I donotneed to know.”

“Where’s Mads?”

“Bree’s looking in on her.”

I nodded. “You… You told her where you were going?”

“I did.”

Great. Last thing I needed was… Actually, what was she going to think? Nothing more or less than she already did. So, what the fuck did it matter to me?

Even still, I put on my best sober face as we went inside.

“Hey, Roman,” Bree said when she saw me.
